Three days had passed since everyone arrived in Harlan County. Though Eli would let them have their own fiction. He knew that Hunter or Nate and thst other one were hurt worse than they let on. Eli couldn't blame Nate for it. Though he couldn't tell if it was in spite of him or fear of him that Nate act like he did. It didn't matter much either way. That other one, the tatted boy toy didn't seem like a bad guy. He was just worthless. He held no value that Eli could see but he kept his mouth shut about it. Christabell still hardly spoke but it did seem to Eli she as getting along well with young Eric Miller... That boy was strange and he had heart. Heart was something Eli always respected. Once they could make the hike, Eli took them to Nobles holler. For lack of a better a term, it was where the black folk lived and nobody wasn't from there, went there. There were a small but clanish group. While no one from the mountains liked outsiders. The people of Nobles didn't want anyone around. It was understandable for most people. Racism was a bigger problem in the mountains than most places and it wasn't going change anytime soon. It everything about their small community was old and rustic. It from the outside it shouted and screamed impoverished. However to anyone who looked close enough it as easy to see that wasn't the case at all. If the truth was known, Nobles had every bit as much money as County. How that to be was nothing myth and folk lore. They hid that fact very well, only a handful of people knew the truth. Eli was owed favors from a good number of people in this community, this was going to be the safest place for the time being. Each and every member of the community was armed and the best part of all was there was only one way out. Everything about this community seemed isolate from the rest of the mountains. They're other places like this, more than anyone would think of. This community had everything from livestock farms to gas stations,country stores and even an old mine shaft. That's where they would be staying. It's exterior looked like a rundown shack. One that was long for forgotten and for time to take its toll. The inside however, was a different story. It was decently appointed by almost any standards. There were more creature comforts than anywhere Eli could have kept them safe at. It was still a hole the ground yet it did have a homey feeling to it. What was great was about it was the room. Though it was a little narrow, it seemed to go long as the day. Eli had every intent to explore every inch of the mine.