The remark from the showy Ba-Matoran caused Hura to shoot him a rather sharp glower. The shift in demeanor was swift, and the gaze could almost be seen, as his glowing yellow eyes narrowed. He was about to say something, but by the time the Bo-Matoran raised his hand, the mysterious performer and his Vo-Matoran cohort had vanished. Feeling rather miffed, Hura began to walk away, when the mask down the way once again caught his eye. A few moments later, and he was scooping a pile of the widgets that he had brought into the hand of a Fe-Matoran. The shop keeper smiled, handing him the ornamental mask. Knowing he could change his own, but also that he would need someone else to replace it, he hooked it to the inside of his pouch, but not before holding it to his face for a moment.