[hider=Maxxy] [center][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/728a/f/2010/197/6/4/apologies_to_steve_purcell_by_cheri_chan.png[/img] [h2]Maximiliane Hase[/h2][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Furry Species:[/b] Lagomorph [b]Height:[/b] 4'8" [b]Weight:[/b] 92 Lbs. (42Kg.) [b]Personality:[/b] Most would regard Maxxy as insane. She revels in violence and acts almost exclusively on impulse. She's also quite self-indulgent, frequently eating and drinking even though she never seems to grow beyond her small frame. In fact she seems to bite most unknown objects that reach her mouth. which is probably why she doesn't smoke. She also hates fanciful words like "fanciful". Despite all this, she shares her partner's love of adventure and justice dispensary, and it seems that she's inherited her Sam's detective skills. She's surprisingly proficient in finding clues and evidence, stumbling across them in an almost happenstance like manner. She also has a soft spot for children. Though she's quite mercurial, around Sam she seems very different. She is much more restrained, and acts almost as his sidekick. She trusts him a lot, and follows him around quite often. Without something to remind her of him, she can frequently be seen reminiscing about him. Despite this they insult and threaten each other often, but this seems to be in good fun. They also used to be very physical before Sam got shot, but the two have toned it down since then. Though they both care for each other deeply, even Sam and Maxxy can get confused on what exactly they are. They've even been known to contradict themselves in the same sentence. [b]Biography:[/b] Maxxy was born into a large family, and was quick to hide inside and play violent video games, since "they were the only thing that understood her." The only time she would come out to play was when her friend Sam was around. The two were inseparable, even more so when, mysteriously, Sam's parents disappeared. Sam was adopted into the Hase family, sort of, but he never forgot that day. It's what gave him a burning need for justice, and to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. This need was shouldered by Maxxy, who promised to murder whatever Sam wanted. Fast forward a few years, and Sam discovered the Freelance Police, a gang dedicated to protecting the innocent, and performing grievous property damage. Once the two had been kicked out of the house because Maxxy lit to many things on fire, Sam insisted the two join and Maxxy followed him without a second thought. Sam was accepted in with ease, Maxxy with a little trouble, and they began work on the long and winding road of attempting to fix the horribly broken city of New Earlton. The two took to the work with gusto, and they went through many trials and tribulations. Gang members, insane informants, corrupt police officers. All of their adventures were very interesting, including artifacts of the old world, and many a conspiracy. Or so Maxxy says. Eventually, the pair's luck ran out. As they were ascending the ranks of the association, mostly due to Sam's ingenuity and Maxxy's bloodlust, a specific case changed the two forever. The two were assigned a mild seeming case investigating into some stolen auto parts soon after a new man came into power, a bear named Flint. The two arrived on the scene to two fellow Freelance Police officers. Sam quickly asked the two what was going on, but three guns were drawn. Those of the henchman, and Maxxy's. The officers told the pair that the Freelance Police were under new managment, and that the two of them ought to leave while they could. An act of mercy for two go getters that Flint liked. Sam told them that [i]they[/i] oughtta leave, before he and Maxxy forced them too. The two pairs stared each other down for what seemed like an eternity, before a shot rang out. The officers lept behind cover, as did Sam and Maxxy. But the portly Sam wasn't fast enough, and said bullet landed in his leg. Maxxy managed to deal with their assailants, but Sam was injured, and now the two were out of a job and on the run. Sam, fading in and out of consciousness, told Maxxy of a hotel called the Hole. The two of them would be able to hide out there, for a while. Maxxy hopped in their cruiser, and for the first time, she drove it instead of Sam. This was no happy occasion, though. Once there, Maxxy talked to a man named Sacha and told him she would be willing to work as a PI for him, in turn for solace for her and a friend. He agreed, and now the two (well, until Sam recovers, one) work for The Hole, doing any investigating that needs to be done for the staff or it's patrons. The two are currently trying to keep quiet, unsure if Flint is still looking for them. Only time will tell, it seems. [b]Inventory & Equipment[/b] [list][*][u][url=http://media.liveauctiongroup.net/i/10294/11016048_2.jpg?v=8CE2D77E5E77CD0]Little Devil[/url][/u] - A semi-automatic pistol that Maxxy can hide seemingly anywhere. Though it's very inaccurate, it can be fired as quick as one can pull its hair-trigger, and has a decently large magazine. [*][u][url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8ukMoz24X2Q/TjrHkVcX3dI/AAAAAAAAAH4/6S0uFQSu25w/s1600/Colt+Python+357mag.jpg]Big Kill[/url][/u] - A ridiculously large revolver that was given to Maxxy by Sam. She carries it around to remind her of Sam whenever he's not around. Though it's slow, it's capable of almost sniper-like precision and damage. [*][u][url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7a/Kakute_wiki01.jpg/220px-Kakute_wiki01.jpg]Spiky Rings[/url][/u] - A set of Kakute, hidden in the palm to augment her razor sharp teeth to make her a dangerous close combatant. [*][u][url=http://www.galls.com/photos/styles/BD326_1500_1.jpg]Notepad[/url][/u] - A notepad and pen for Maxxy to doodle inappropriate things in. She can also list evidence and the such in it. [/list] [b]Other:[/b] Maxxy is unnaturally hardy, to an almost supernatural degree. Sam has thrown her at walls and she's gotten up fine. She also has a small frame, and is quick, giving her an edge in fights. She's, unfortunately, quite weak, balancing things out a little. [url=https://youtu.be/YJrYs6pPYtw]Sleuthin' and Stuff[/url] [/hider]