[hider=Isaac the Impulsive] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/b6d494792cdc26fc8674f889db7b38e0/tumblr_o76cu9y7Fz1uy4xxuo1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Isaac 'Indigo' Delinoire [b]Nickname:[/b] Indigo [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Faction:[/b] Izzy's Little Party [b]Insight:[/b] Low [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*][url=http://img13.deviantart.net/929c/i/2015/359/a/a/bloodborne_fanart___weapon_ideas_by_daemonstar-d9lf5wm.jpg]Beast Blade[/url] - A 'trick' weapon that allows its wielder to becomes semi-beastly. [*]Hunter Blunderbuss [*]Flamesprayer [/list] [b]Items & Spell items:[/b] Blood Vials, 5 Beast Blood Pellets, and a Bolt Paper from when he was "officially" in the Lightning Slayers. [b]Isaac and the Hunt:[/b] Isaac fights in a way almost reminiscent of his own personality. He uses his trick weapon to block attacks, dodging and wait for a good time to strike. Once he sees an opportunity, he attacks relentlessly, building up Beasthood and becoming more and more aggressive until the enemy is dead. Once they are, he again begins biding his time. He views the beasts of the hunt as beasts. They drank the blood that made them this way, and so they deserve their demise. Even then, he does occasionally wonder if these were monsters of the Church. He finds dark beasts odd, but does not share his boss's enthusiasm about their origins, simply viewing them as a good thing to make weapons out of. His interest is, instead, on that of the "hidden village." [b]Psychology:[/b] Though most would regard Isaac as odd as his cohorts in Izzy's Party, he likes to think he's the most sane. Like the others, he relies on instinct to guide his actions in combat, but his obsession with choice does force him into thinking at least a little more off the job. Said obsession also leads to him blaming people for things they can't control, himself the most. He is overcome with great grief about his father, and thinks on how he could have saved him everyday. He is an emotional man by nature, but he is always mindful of how he looks. He doesn't particularly care if he seems odd, but obviously violence or anything of the sort he reins himself in on. He has a distaste for Ludwig's hunters, a little less so for the Powder Keggers, who he sees as simply blind idiots. [b]History:[/b] Isaac was born in Warwick, to two loving parents, Rose Davies, and Albert Delinoire. At about 10 years old, though, Isaac's mother died of an odd blood disease. Fearing the worst, Albert looked into a cure for his son. It seemed that they'd need to seek treatment in the Blood capital of The Realm: Yharnam. Isaac insisted that he didn't feel odd, and had never felt so, but his father said he had no choice but to go get diagnosed. The two moved in with a distant relative, Albert's brother, Zackary, in Central Yharnam. It turns out Isaac did have his mother's issue- his blood clotted more quickly and regularly that an average man. Though this made him hardier than others, it was also liable to cause halted blood flow and swelling. For around a year, Isaac had to undergo daily blood treatments, forcing Isaac's father to stay and get a job in Central Yharnam. Once Isaac had been suitably addicted to blood like everyone else in Yharnam, they took him off his vials and he was good to go. Still, the two stayed in Central Yharnam, both of them now fans of the blood and those who gave it, the Church, and the Hunters who protected them. Isaac's father told him of many time where he had to protect himself in old Warwick, and was even training his son a tad before they had moved over. But now, they had no need for such things. Life was good. That was, until the fourth Tetrad. Yharnam was filled with fear, and everyone felt it. Everyday, more and more people fell to beasts, or became beasts. This caused Zackary to consume more blood than average. Albert warned his brother to stop, but Zackary insisted he had no choice. It calmed his nerves. Things came to a head on the third full moon of the Tetrad. While the three were locked in doors, Zackary, who had began acting odd lately, suddenly attack Albert. The fight spilled out into the streets, and, though Isaac screamed for help, none came. Albert was able to kill Zackary, but his wounds were too great, and they had no blood vials. Isaac looked for help and, though he swore he had seen someone disappear, seemingly through a wall, calling out to them did nothing. The only chance his father had was if Isaac ran to the clinic. His father asked him not to go, but when Isaac pushed, he accepted. "If that is your choice, son, then I can not stop you." Isaac made a perilous journey to the nearest clinic as fast as he could. Though he was scared and alone, he stuck with his choice. His father's life was on the line. He did make it to a clinic, and managed to get some bandages and blood vials to stabilize his father until the morning. But when he returned, all that greeted him was the corpse of his uncle. No father, no man. Isaac was completely disillusioned with the Hunters. This "Ludwig" had let his father die, and he had no trust in the man or his soldiers. Isaac also blamed the Church for his father's disappearance, assuming the man to be a member of them. For a few years, Isaac simply tried to hold down a job while cutting down on his blood usage, relenting he had no choice but to ruminate on his failure. Still, thoughts of his father frequently arose, and his temper, or grief, sometimes got the best of him. It did not help that, as he was from Warwick, some particularly snobbish people considered him an untrue Yharnamite. About a year ago though, he heard of Izzy. She instantly enamored him with her personality and her goals, and reignited a flame in him to find that man. She was a mix of a crush and a personal hero to him, and he strived to be like her. He joined the Church Hunters and intently seeked out a Dark Beast. Once he did, and had slain it, he promptly cut off it's bone, and sharpened it to a point. With this new weapon, he begged to transfer over to the Lightning Slayers, so he could meet his hero. Once there, he expressed his interest in joining Izzy's Little Party. She accepted, and now he is the brains of the operation. [b]Appearance:[/b] A man of average build, but above average height. His skin is a bit tan, due to his treatments as a child. He is always wearing his distinctive glasses, even on nights of the hunt, and prefers to cover his face with gauze instead of cloth. [b]Other:[/b] Though he previously needed treatment for an illness, he no longer does. He has no living family. His current goal is to find the man who had abandoned him and his father on that fateful night. Currently, his best bet seems to be rumors of a "hidden village." [b]Prior Relationships:[/b] Will be discussed OOC if accepted. [/hider]