[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#33ccff]Sayuki Kyasarin[/color][/h1][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-_ZOZ33NNCY0/VO9uD2YuBWI/AAAAAAAAAJE/d69pjp_H0yM/w500-h281/26-02-15%2B-%2B1[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Floor 1 - Town of Beginnings - Blacksmith Interacting With: The Blacksmith [@BlueSky44], KasaiSenshi [@alexfangtalon] [/center][hr][hr]Sayuki rolled her eyes at the program. It seemed even the virtual men were scum. She sighed, before sweeping her eyes over the swords. Most would assume that the best equipment would be the most expensive--yet this was floor one. Nothing she'd be able to purchase here would last longer than another floor or two. A blue sword for sale stuck out to her, however. [color=33ccff]"I'll take sword model 110, thanks,"[/color] Kyasarin said, producing the 43 gold pieces. [color=33ccff]"I'd like to name it [i]Glacius[/i],"[/color] she added. Glancing over at the commotion, she saw the irritating girl from before. Of course, practically everyone irritated Kyasarin. With disinterest, she watched as her health bar appeared and quickly drained, the girl shattering into blue crystalline pieces. Kyasarin would have been lying if it didn't shock her. Her eyes widened briefly, seeing confirmation of the new deadly nature of the game. [color=33ccff]"I suppose that confirms what the Gamemaster said,"[/color] Kyasarin mused. Her face was one of indifference, as if she too were merely just a computer program, unable to comprehend death. [color=33ccff]"Are you planning on joining a guild, by any chance?"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=cc33ff]Starkette[/color][/h1][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/920ec18278fb7e67943ea974b14d7dcc/tumblr_inline_n1f081pdHX1sx4ub7.png[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Floor 1 - Deep in the Forest Interacting With: [@KabenSaal] [@BlueSky44] [@sMoKe] [@Jedly][/center][hr][hr]At her partner's command, Starkette switched in, slashing diagonally up at the bat. It took decent damage, only to charge at her, knocking her to the ground. Her health bar dwindled slightly, and motivated by her fear, she slashed up at the bat, and finished it. It was hardly a heroic display, but to Starkette, she felt like she had just fought to the death, rather than take care of a low level monster. [color=cc33ff]"Did we lose anyone?"[/color] Starkette asked, her body tense, as she glanced around at the clearing. Everyone seemed to be accounted for, yet her eyes widened as she noticed the dark set in. In every game she ever played, darkness meant danger. Night was when the monsters grew stronger, when they attacked with less worry and fear of being killed. [color=cc33ff]"We need to get to a safe zone,"[/color] Starkette murmured, pinching her lip with her fingers. [color=cc33ff]"We could get killed out here like this..."[/color] Starkette then looked at the newcomers to their group. A small girl and someone she took to be her brother. Starkette frowned a bit, pacing back and forth. If they weren't able to make it back to town, they'd be able to survive likely on a rotated watch system--provided no one had been too badly hurt in the battle. If someone was in need of healing, she doubted that anyone had a potion with them. [color=cc33ff]"Who are you?"[/color] Starkette asked, looking at Jace and Janelle. [color=cc33ff]"My name's Gui...I mean, Starkette."[/color]