[center][img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M4b0bcbe328afcbcdef6a9f98c5bb1939o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=325&h=183[/img][/center] [center][i] Freedom aginst Tyranny[/i][/center] [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [b]Official Name[/b]: The New Union of Columbia [b]Other Name(s)[/b]: The Union of Columbia, Columbia, New Coulmbia [b]National Color(s)[/b]: Red, White, Blue [b]National Slogan[/b]: [center][i]Never Let our Children Suffer from Tyrants [/i][/center] [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b][u]Government & National Population[/u][/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [center][i]Government type[/i][/center] A Republic consisting of thirteen planets, each electing its own governor to represent them in the High council. The High council proposes law, declares war, and elects the High President. The High President breaks ties between arguments in the High council, and acts as a diplomatic figure head for the country. [center][i]Democratic[/i] [b]|[/b]---I------------------[b]|[/b] [i]Authoritarian[/i] [i]Political Left[/i] [b]|[/b]------I---------------[b]|[/b] [i]Political Right[/i] [i]Open Society[/i] [b]|[/b]---------I------------[b]|[/b] [i]Closed Society[/i] [i]Hawk Lobby[/i] [b]|[/b]-----------------I-----[b]|[/b] [i]Dove Lobby[/i] [i]Interventionism[/i] [b]|[/b]-------------I--------[b]|[/b] [i]Isolationism[/i] [i]Nationalist[/i] [b]|[/b]---I-------------------[b]|[/b] [i]Pacifist[/i][/center] [b]Key Members of Government:[/b] President: Jacob Hightop General: Chris Warwick Treasurer: Blake Former Civil Rights: Chris Madison [b]Domain:[/b]Dread, a overpopulated world recovering from excessive pollution, War, and political scandal. A world that finally saw peace after 100 years of war...and with that war, technology many people never even thought of became possible! The people of Dread now enjoy ColdFusion powered vehicles, domestic robots, medicine that could get rid of radiation poisoning, medicine that could heal open wounds before your very eyes! sports, and resemble a society much of that from the Terras 1960s. The citizens are terrified of communism, and theocracies as that's what the was the war had started for. Columbia was in a Cold war with Anastoria, A communism that threaten the republics very existence, and Umperia, A religious extremists group that killed hundreds of Columbians for being immoral. Then war broke out after many years of tensions and the collapse of the United World Order, And after 100 years of terrible war, the 3 countries bowed before Columbian might when Columbia built the fist interstellar ships, originally a project to ease the growing population, and bombarded the countries with missiles. All there technology was seized....and the counties were annexed. After the war, and a celebration as peace has finally been achieved, the interstellar ships were built up, as the need for new land and recourses became ever so stronger...And the NUC colonized the first thirteen habitable planets, Known as the 13 commonwealths. [i]Population:[/i] Over 100 trillion people populate the 13 commonwealths [i]Major Race(s):[/i] Humans: No natural or different traits [i]Population Breakdown:[/i] Humans 100% [b]Language(s) Spoken:[/b] English 50% Blessed Voice 30% Anastorian 20% [b]Religion(s) Practiced:[/b] [u][b]The Church of Atom[/b][/u] Type: monotheism Focus: spreading the message of salvation Ruling Deities: Atom Divine Interaction: in response to a chosen few Involves: the possibility of excommunication Afterlife: A peaceful realm only achieved by death Supernatural: Unfeared Worship: joyous Holidays: very many Holidays Celebrate: new moons, past battles, historical events, The creation of the nuclear theory, great rulers, great priests Major Holiday(s): are more celebration than prayer Clergy: both genders Function: To aid hurt and broken families Lifestyle: Luxury Family: somewhat large Chosen: via divine revelation Distinguished By: a Metal pendent of a radiation symbol Symbol: Nuclear symbol Holy Color: crimson Passed Down: A holy book Creation Myth Type: order from void/chaos Mortals' Origin: chosen from among animals Major Myth/Symbol(s): creation, the redemption, the journey Deadly Sins: Murder, malice, indifference, envy and neglect High Virtues: Compassion, Honesty Associated Artform: stories/parables Coming of Age: 16 years old Coming of Age Rite: involves a declaration of intended profession Marriage: If love exist between the two couple Marriage Rites: are often performed as group weddings Death Rites: are a private affair Prevalence: Belived by 89 percent by the NUC Outsiders: Accepted Other: 11% [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [center][b][u]Research[/u][/b][/center] [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [b]Primary Tech:[/b] New Power armors, Better Energy weapons Portable Cold Fusion Energy, Interstellar Space travel, Better Power sources, Improving Cold Fusion Reactors, New Exo Skeleton [b]Secondary Tech:[/b] Advance Robots, Deployable Medicine, Nuclear Plasma weapons, Fusion Firearms, By pass bullets, Star metal bullets, Disintegration lasers, Singularity weapons, Big Boy Nuclear Catapult Production, [b]Tertiary Tech:[/b] Aquiculture, Food distribution, Water purification, Psyker Disruption matrixes, Magic Disruption, Networking reestablishment, Improving old terminals, Multi wave radios, Colored TV [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b][u]Military[/u][/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] The Military of the NUC is Highly Strict and Organized, as their troops are trained to never reveil Columbian secrets to anybody, and are taught the major rules of combat....Many are former bandits, and various prisoners serving out there sentences instead of rotting in a cell, and a chance to be free after they serve there terms. The Military employs Light Exo Scouts, standard powered Infantry, and Ultra strong Steel rangers accordingly. [b]Scouts[/b]: Scout Class of soldiers are usually wearing TXO-12 Exo skeletons That enhance there abilities as soldiers. They got Jump boost capability, increased speed and strength, and are lightly armored compared to there heavier armored brothers....But they do have a magnetic shield that can deflect standard and gauss round, for a time...and energy weapons go right through the shield. Many soldiers of this category act as the special ops teams, Carrying 20mm Gauss Sniper rifles, and a Plasma pistol, along with a Columbian plasma Sorwd. [center][img]http://i0.wp.com/lzygmrs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/advanced-warfare-exoskeleton-screenshot-2.jpg?resize=306%2C197[/img][center] [img]http://www.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr/forum/upload/beeratwork/beeratwork_1357590224_DIY_02_Gauss_sniper_rifle.jpg[/img] Guass sniper rifle [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M6f6035dbafef2d11bbf3f4512ad0373ao0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=310&h=166[/img] plasma pistol [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090803210808/nomoreheroes/images/thumb/1/1f/Blood_Berry.jpg/500px-Blood_Berry.jpg[/img] Columbian plasma sorwd [b]Grand Infantry[/b]: The Grand Infantry soldiers wear TXBK light power armor, a highly sturdy and effective power suit in use since the great wars. This armor gives them higher protection than any exo suit available, but less protection than a Steel ranger. Unlike the steel rangers, this lighter version of power armor doesn’t need a power armor frame, and can be comfortably worn even as the power drains. The suit grants the user an increase in strength, and double jump capabilities, but does not make the user fast, and the jump assist is only to reach slightly high places. These soldiers also have an simple energy shield along with their armor. A Soldiers preference is used when deciding a weapon to use, so they can choose from a 10mm Gauss Assault rifles, Light Gauss Machine guns, an Gauss SMGs. [center][img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M35ba16e476f01837fb3c5600ad9b7708o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=217&h=172[/img][center] [img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mb641c5e141f2e4444d9ad1146fdb9b99o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=185&h=90[/img] Guass SMG [img]http://www.modsfallout4.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Tumbajambass-gauss-rifle-MK-2-1.jpg[/img] Guass Assult rifle [img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M1e9762cf98a10b864fd0cb5bbc14ab49o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=412&h=191[/img] Guass LMG [b]Steel Rangers[/b]: Steel Rangers wear large T-567g power armor suits that require a frame to hold when not in use. These armors give no advantages except being highly protective, and a hefty strength boost. There armor have energy shield capabilities. They carry any thing heavy, from big boy nuclear catapults, MEC Gauss miniguns, HE Rocket launchers, Plasma and laser cannons, and even experimental singularity cannons. [center][img]http://payload76.cargocollective.com/1/8/258958/3820896/retro_power_armor_colors_by_innerabove-d1qu41q_575.jpeg[/img][center] [img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M100028f84afa4aba65f4d1378bb30b3co0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300[/img] MEC Guass Minigun [img][/img] [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [center][b][u]Economics[/u][/b][/center] [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [b]Currency:[/b] Columns [b]Gross Domestic Product:[/b] Columbia is worth over 600 trillion columns [b]Housed Under:[/b]The House of Banking [b]Economy Type:[/b]Free enterprise [b]Economic Tendencies:[/b]Buying new technologgy [b]Major Exports:[/b] Hex Valent Radi Domograt Blooson Ras Gordi Tindi Quas Hum Frail Fire Helios [b]Major Imports:[/b] Hex Valent Radi Domograt Blooson Ras Gordi Tindi Quas Hum Frail Fire Helios [b]Unique Manufacturing:[/b] The NUCs is one of the few worlds to completely upgrade the firearms to something more deadly. Gauss weapons are as common as a standard assault rifle on terra, the electromagnetically enhanced bullets can rip through even some of the toughest armors as the bullet whizzes at almost 100x the speed of a supersonic bullet. This transcending of the firearms took place 50 years ago. Many of the power armors can withstand this, but the armor would severely dent and be exposed or broken after after prolonged heavy fire Bypass bullets are a rare and hard to build kind of bullets that completely ignore any metal or metal like armor, using magnetic and teleportation technology, once the bullet senses a armor type of plate or metal armor, it activates a small teleportation device do go through it and hit the venerable flesh beneath. Only assassins are given this technology Star metal bullets are highly powerful bullets loaded with a tiny crystal capable of exploding on contact. The star metal plows through soft tissue with ultra damaging effect, even destroying the limn that it hit. The bullets high damage comes at a cost as it cant pass through armor. Ancient Super Computers. Columbia's Computers are highly under advance when left alone to a terminal. But when you add a mainframe, The processing power is doubled. Add another....that processing power is doubled. So as you add more and more mainframes, the stronger the computer is! So often, the NUC does have super computers, but there big as a 2 story building and extremely hard to maintain. On interstellar ships, an entire room is set up to just issue commands to the cold fusion generator and control the ship. [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [center][b][u]Miscellaneous Information[/u][/b][/center] [center][size=5][b]---[/b][/size][/center] [i]Legal Drinking Age:[/i] 18 [i]Driving Age:[/i] 18 [i]Age of Sexual Consent/Adult Classification:[/i] 18 [i]Military Enlistment:[/i] 18 [i]Voting Age:[/i] 18 [i]Reproduction:[/i] 2 children on dread, on any other commonwealth no restriction [i]Status of Drugs:[/i] Only Adults can use them [i]Firearms:[/i] No Military grade weapons or explosives unless you served in the military [i]Death Penalty:[/i] Only for the Most Heinest of Crimes [i]Speed Limit:[/i] Average Speed limit [i]Religion:[/i] No restriction [i]Pornography:[/i] no restriction [i]Prostitution:[/i] strongly discouraged, not illegal [i]Polygamy:[/i] legal [i]Homosexuality:[/i] Love who you want [i]Stem Cell Research:[/i] We have stem packs! [i]Cloning:[/i] Illegal on sentient beings. We remember Gary [i]Slavery:[/i] You own a slave? You die. Slavery is Forbidden [i]Hunting:[/i] Perfectly legal [i]Consumption of Meat:[/i] Mmmm bacon [i]Litter:[/i] punishable by a fine of 100 Colums in city. [i]Suicide:[/i] Not encouraged, please seek help [i]Gay Marriage:[/i] Legal, my honeybun [i]Abortion:[/i] Legal [i]Sexual Activity:[/i] Do it any where except outside in public [i]Obscenity:[/i] Your mean, but its fine [i]Taxation Systems:[/i] a 5% cap tax on all goods [i]Prerequisites for Citizenship:[/i] You’re a citizen if you speak English and bought a house or property [u]Automatic Citizenship:[/u] birth [u]Partial Citizenship:[/u] marriage [i]Prohibited Immigration/Visitation:[/i] Known Raiders, Bandits, or Terrorists [i]Censorship of Media:[/i] No censorship. Just don’t be to graphic