[@Divinity] Obviously it's susceptible to spiritual attacks. And yes, that is the big secret of the black staff. It's a weapon that, at any point in time, could just phase through yours and punch you in the mouth. It's not designed to be fair, it's designed to kill people. When I start to get into the physics of magic it's just this awkward circle jerk of different interpretations of how magic even works. Example. I don't understand the concept of magic flowing through objects of different material planes. Physical, Spiritual, Psychic connections? Where is the line drawn? A psychic connection would go straight to his brain, and a spiritual connection would go straight to his soul. However, even then when I think about it. The Black Staff and its ability to be remote controlled means that it's a separate piece of his soul manifest. Like, where is the line drawn between suspension of disbelief and just silly? Edit: I need coffee if we're gonna continue this discussion, back in like five.