[center] [color=DarkGray][h1][b][i]~Davy Jones – Jas Nedakh~[/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://media.giphy.com/media/mmyhVH74EjqNi/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Davy Jones [b]Other Names:[/b] Captain Jones, Jones, The Ferryman of Lost Souls, Devil of the Sea [b]Real Name:[/b] Jas Nedakh [b]Age:[/b] 853 [b]Occupation:[/b] Pirate Captain - Ruler of the Seas [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Eight-Hundred and Forty):[/b] [img]http://resources2.news.com.au/images/2014/02/01/1226810/098874-david-beckham.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age Eight-Hundred and Fifty-Three):[/b] [img]http://images.hngn.com/data/images/full/163386/david-beckham.png?w=650[/img] [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Jones has sort of adapted his own style of clothing over the years as a pirate, finding two different types of outfits that both match his personality as well as give him the comfort and maneuverability that are needed for his life at sea. While aboard deck, he tends to keep to a simpler regime with a waist-length, dark blue suede jacket trimmed with gold lace, with a longer tail over the top of a button-up silk vest and button-up white shirt with the occasional scarf around his neck to bundle up the whole look. This outfit, of course, comes complete with a pair of white pants and knee-high leather black boots. [url=http://www.chm.michael-praed.org/roles/images/roles/Kate-and-Leopold-1.jpg]While at Sea[/url] [url=http://cdn.moviestillsdb.com/sm/93f84934fc689a707692b130e8b0fdb1/kate-leopold.jpg]While at Sea 2[/url] On more 'noble' occasions such as time spent ashore or if Jones is feeling particularly handsome that day, he will switch up his overall look in favor of something with a bit more refined taste. He trades over his blue suede waist-long frock for a near knee-length one made out of more hardy material. Buttons line down both sides of the frock but it's design is merely for show as they do not actually close. This pattern continues to his red waist coat of the same material underneath, tied together with a golden, silk sash over the matching in color to that of his jacket, shin-length trousers and white button-up shirt underneath, complete with his knee-high, black leather boots. [url=http://briellecostumes.typepad.com/.a/6a0134804df3cb970c014e8885cf28970d-pi]Feeling Fancy[/url] [url=http://briellecostumes.typepad.com/.a/6a0134804df3cb970c014e8885d0d6970d-500wi]Feeling Fancy 2[/url] Always on his person, Jones has a rather beautiful [url=http://www.swordsknivesanddaggers.com/swords/swords-el-cid-rapier-sword-ew-901121.jpg]rapier sword[/url] which he does most of his pirating with. However, on a more 'decorative' occasion, he will swap out his usual sword for something with a bit finer taste and go with his [url=http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n514/EmblemofEternity/MusketeerRapierSworda2_zps65969fd1.jpg]second rapier sword[/url]. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Jones has a fierce reputation, known as a dangerous and fearsome Captain of the Seas. Disbanding his true name long ago (very few people even know Davy Jones isn't his given birth-name let alone what his real name is) his reputation now spreads as the cruel and less than merciful Davy Jones. Jones, is a tormentor. He enjoys bullying others both verbally and physically. He is confident to the point of being highly cocky and arrogant, which only enables his mocking and ridicule towards others. He is not above name calling or putting people in their place for the sheer purpose of entertainment. He has a strong sense of humor, however probably one only understood by his shipmates. He is of a dark nature, and takes great pride in his role as Captain, and all he has achieved in this position. Whether it be his encounters with women, or all the gold and riches he has looted. With that said, he does enjoy the company of women and will often find himself in such company when he and his crew break on land, and find the nearest tavern. A great deal of his charm is revealed through his story telling. Having explored the world, he has a great deal of knowledge and can keep a crowd interested by the stories he has to share. He has a skewed sense of honor, referring to himself as a man with a code of honor, however is not above killing needlessly should someone dare challenge him to such a fight. He is a determined and vindictive man, never one to back down from his purpose. Despite his rank as pirate, he speaks with eloquence and intelligence, which shows that he has a higher education than one would assume from that of a common pirate. He will never admit fear nor defeat, and never backs away from a fight or challenge. He is not trustworthy and can be quite deceitful at times. But then again, he is a pirate after all so one cannot expect much else. [b]Skills:[/b] Even before becoming a pirate and adventurer, Jones was always skilled in physical and martial training. A talented sailor, Jones' skill in voyaging a ship is almost unmatched, even by Atlantean standards. Bolstering this skill is an inherent amount of skill when it comes to reading the stars for navigation. Because of this, he is able to journey across the seas without need for a map. However, he is a talented cartographer, and can chart maps completely unintelligible to anyone other than himself. To this end, he can also decipher the maps of others unless they are magically enchanted. Jones likewise has consummate knowledge and experience in regards to the sea. He is so skilled, in fact, that it's said he can even pinpoint the location of the legendary whale Monstro more likely than not. A highly talented fighter and duelist, Jones displays master over both hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. Owing both to his training and his heightened physical abilities, Jones has never lost a duel. Being a pure-blood Atlantean, Jones, like all members of his race has strength, speed, stamina, senses, agility, reflexes, accuracy, durability, intelligence, healing time and flexibility that are far superior to that of the average person which he uses to his advantage. Also, thanks to a rather profitable trip to Thebes a number of years ago, Jones has obtained enough Pegasus feathers to fashion into sails, thus granting The Flying Dutchman the ability to fly, really amping up it's reputation as a ghost ship of legend. On an off-handed note, Jones can also work a tattoo gun and has tattooed himself and many of his shipmates on a number of occasions. He also does piercings, having done his own ears and a handful of those on his crew. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Spanning back over a great number of years, Jones (then known as Jas) was born in Atlantis into the royal family. The younger brother of the two, Jas grew up slowly in the shadow of his brother, though paved his own way even from childhood in an attempt to be a normal kid just like everyone else. Jas had no pride for his royal blood, in fact, he detested it. All his friends saw him differently, treated him differently, and oftentimes Jas could even hear them talking about him behind his back, afraid that if they didn't do what he said, they would get in trouble. For this reason, Jas eventually grew up without having friends, not wanting to have to subject others into feeling that they were forced to like him, so he spent his free time developing skills that could keep him entertained by himself for hours on end to pass the time by. So Jas took up learning how to fight, learning to read and write, studying the stars and other various skills that he could have fun with just by himself. His older brother, Kashekim, tried to be both a good brother and a friend to Jas, but he was well on becoming shaped to be the next Leader of Atlantis and was kept busy with learning other mundane skills that Jas had no interest in such as water magic, spiritual healing, alchemy and meditation. As both boys grew up, they grew further and further apart, having nothing in common with the other save for the blood that kept their hearts pumping (discount the life crystal that helped to prolong their already-long lives). Their father, on the other hand, took a special shine to Jas and gave him as much of his time that he could spare when not running Atlantis. He was patient with Jas, kind and loving - his only true friend. But fate frowned upon Jas quickly, as their mother obtained some strange disease not known to Atlantis and quickly died. And then, shortly after, their father left. It was assumed that their father had left from a broken heart, but all Jas could comprehend was abandonment. It was their mother's sister who took the boys in - she and her husband taking the mantle of King and Queen and ruled Atlantis for many more years to come, raising the boys like their own. Despite the longevity of life that the crystals brought the Atlanteans, their lives couldn't go on forever, however. At the ripe old age of nearly three-thousand, Jas and Kashekim lost their uncle and King to death. The loss of their city's leader was a deep and heavy one, the mourning ceremony went on for months until finally Kashekim was named his successor completely and took up the mantle. With his brother now Chief Shaman, Jas felt even further away from his family than he did before, getting an overwhelming sense of 'not belonging' though for the time being, said nothing on the matter. A few hundred years later, with Jas now three-hundred and eighty-one years old, his brother gave Jas a niece in which Jas took an immediate liking to, despite her royal blood that he grew up to hate so much. The two of them simply connected in a way that Jas hadn't experienced before; a bond of both family and friendship. He watched over Kidagakash often, putting in whatever time he could in having a hand in raising the young princess and once she was old enough, the two spent countless hours together talking more philosophically about what life had in store for them and where their paths would take them one day. Interestingly enough, Kidagakash had taken an interest in Jas' learned skills and asked Jas to teach her privately, both knowing that Kashekim would throw a fit if he found out. Jas and Kida's relationship had already grown strained because of Kashekim, The Shaman had confronted Jas a number of times asking Jas to be more careful with his topics of conversation with Kidagakash, not liking the influence he had on her. Jas didn't listen, however, finding it to be in Kidagakash's best interest to be well-learned in any and all fields possible and trained her in private, just as she had asked, both in body and mind. So as the years went on and the relationship between Kidagakash and Jas grew stronger, what was left with Jas' relationship with his brother grew weaker, reduced to nothing but squabbles on the streets and late-night scoldings that often-times stemmed from Jas' close relationship with his niece. Finally, one fateful night, at four-hundred and eighty-three years old, Jas had heard enough and left Atlantis, fully well knowing that he would never be able to return (such was the law of Atlantis). He hadn't been given the opportunity to say goodbye to Kidagakash, but it was just as well. Jas never was good with emotional situations. Washing his hands clean of his life in Atlantis, Jas formerly changed his name to a more appropriate translation, now going by Jones. Davy, was simply a name picked up over the years by legends being started about him. Putting the last four-hundred-some years of learning various skills to use, Jones found himself in the life of a sailor, free to explore the world that was otherwise kept off-limits to him and live a life of freedom with a new name and as a new man. He made friends, enjoyed the company of women, took to raging, pillaging and plundering to get what he wanted with the addicting fuel of adrenaline coursing through his veins. As a pirate, Jones never felt more alive, he never felt more 'home.' It didn't take Jones long at all to discover that he, like his brother Kashekim, held some sort of concealed power within him. At first, Jones believed it to be coincidence. While at sea, it rained when he felt sad, the winds picked up and the waves rocked when he was angry, storms dissipated when he felt content. But the more Jones began to experiment over the years, the more he came to understand his power. He could control the ocean - a true God of the sea. Sea monsters would attack, and he could command their surrender. It was all very exciting and confusing for Jones, but as the years dragged on into centuries, it became the norm. Very rarely does Jones even think about how he had come to possess these abilities anymore, and simply just... is. Though in the quieter moments in his life, Jas can't help but to feel that the strong talent of magic that courses through he and his brother's veins has something to do with the father that had abandoned them so many years ago. He became a legend amongst men - his reputation spreading far and wide. The Atlantean crystal and his Atlantean heritage kept him alive, making the pirate seem immortal. Jones proffered much in smuggling otherwise hard-to-find and illegal goods from one land to another, making many friends and even more enemies. Perhaps the most unlikely and unexpected friendship was formed in The Pride Lands, when a young prince sought him out to put an end to his father. Jones took a special liking to the young man, and over the years, fashioned a strong friendship with him. Jones frequents other areas of the world, though his home-base is Tortuga where the drink and women are plenty. He resides there currently, living his life day to day and always jumping at the opportunity to stir the pot wherever and whenever he can. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Jones never made it to Earth and doesn't know of it's existence. [b]Other:[/b] Jones' body is covered in an assortment of tribal-style tattoos. These tattoos are mainly make up his [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-j5A9KAyJoBQ/UZ5OPzHR_DI/AAAAAAAAALc/G0oHzdzl5jI/s1600/sexy-guy-full-back-tribal-tattoo-design-black-ink-swirls-curls-athlete-warrior-fighter-body-art-594x694.jpg]back[/url], [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2e/76/05/2e7605c7a98a038def2f2f54b5ebd6f6.jpg]chest and arms[/url]. Jones has encountered many sea beasts and sent them away, however Jones kept one close to him should the need arise for a... special touch. A sort of pet, as it were, Jones now holds Jörmungandr as an ally, reminding and and all who sail his oceans to behave themselves and not cross him. [hider=Jörmungandr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/22/85/e322857215e10e1689458b47bedb38e9.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOHOCBEVKOI]"The Good Life" by Three Days Grace.[/url] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Jas.gif[/img] [/color] [/center]