[@my Lalia] In that case, Allow me to humbly present: [hider=Tamara][center][img]http://www.statisticbrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/dark-hair-color-ideas2.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][color=#757A80][[/color] [color=red]Tamara[/color][color=#757A80]] - [[/color] [color=red]Female [/color] [color=#757A80]] - [[/color] [color=red]Unknown[/color] [color=757a80]] - [[/color] [color=red]lost[/color] [color=#757A80]][/color][/center] [h3][b][u]at first sight [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ n a m e ][/b] [color=red]Tamara[/color] [b][ a g e ][/b] [color=red]Unknown, but appears to be late teens to early twenties[/color] [b][ b i r t h d a y ][/b] [color=red]also unknown[/color] [b][ g e n d e r ][/b] [color=red]female[/color] [b][ o r i g i n ][/b] [color=red]Subject was first spotted in Budapest. Place of birth unknown[/color] [h3][b][u]you're beautiful [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ p h y s i c a l ][ a p p e a r a n c e ][/b] [color=red] Subject bears the appearance of a young woman in her late teens/early twenties. Her skin is partially scaled, primarily along her arms, legs, stomach and back. She possesses a scaled tail tipped with a curved, blunt spike, and large wings emerge from her back. Has a very fit and muscular body. [/color] [b][ e y e ][ c o l o r ][/b] [color=red]Violet, vertical slit-pupils[/color] [b][ h a i r ][ c o l o r ][/b] [color=red]jet black, permanent violet streak on the right side[/color] [b][ A g e n t o r H a l f b r e e d ][/b] [color=red] Half-demon[/color] [b][ h e i g h t ][/b] [color=red]6’1”[/color] [b][ w e i g h t][/b] [color=red]152 lbs[/color] [b][ m o d i f i c a t i o n s ][/b] [color=red]Has several scars across her body, unknown origins[/color] [h3][b][u]under your skin [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ p e r s o n a l i t y ][/b][color=red] -Very sarcastic, and appears to not take things very seriously -Tends to give nicknames to everyone she meets -Is extremely determined to find whomever it is she is looking for -Does not seem to be very concerned about her appearance -Is extremely confident; can at times come across as arrogant or predatory -Tends to be very touchy-feely towards people she likes[/color] [b][ h i s t o r y ][/b][color=red] Subject’s past is unknown. Her first appearance on our radar was the initial incident two years ago, when she was found in the center of a large explosion. Agents pursued her across the globe for nearly six months before successfully capturing her. During interrogation, Subject claimed to have no memory prior to that incident, and also expressed a need to “find someone”, though she didn’t seem to know the identity of the person she was looking for. She seemed to believe that she would recognize them when she found them, and that it was very important she do so. Her actual identity is also unknown; “Tamara” was the name of one of the agents interrogating her, and she subsequently adopted it. Due to the nature of the Subject’s power, she has been deemed too hazardous to experiment upon until a more effective means of suppressing her powers can be found, or more durable protective gear can be made. Because of the potential for collateral damage, the Subject was placed in isolated containment. She has remained there ever since, a fact that she is extremely resentful of.[/color] [b][ l o v e s ][/b][color=red] -Being air-born -Physical contact (or at least has a disregard for the personal space of others) -Seems to have an inordinate fondness for using her powers -sour candies [/color] [b][ h a t e s ][/b][color=red] -Being confined -The fact that she can’t remember things -Clothes (or at least she doesn’t seem to care when she incinerates hers) -Sleeping alone (has a habit of “claiming” someone for the night)[/color] [b][ f a m i l y ][/b] [color=red] Due to the degree of strength and control the Subject has over her powers, it is assumed that her mother is a demon. However, no other details are known.[/color] [h3][b][u]skip a heartbeat [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ o r i e n t a t i o n ][/b] [color=red]Subject has, on occasion, referred to members of both sexes as “cutie”; otherwise, unknown[/color] [b][ s t a t u s ][/b] [color=red]Unknown due to retrograde amnesia[/color] [h3][b][u]what lies unawaken [/u][/b]→ [/h3] [b][ p o w e r / e q u i p m e n t ][/b] [color=red] Tamara can generate napalm-like violet flames, create air-burst explosions, and shift her vision into the thermal spectrum. In addition to granting her flight, Subject’s wings have an extremely malleable nature, and she uses them like a second pair of arms. [/color] [b][ s t r e n g t h s ][/b][color=red] -Is extraordinarily strong-willed and stubborn -Has a powerful presence that either intimidates or attracts people -Possesses combat training of unknown origin -[/color] [b][ w e a k n e s s e s ][/b][color=red] -Subject possesses a highly elevated body temperature, enough that she will actually steam when it rains, and shows up easily on thermal scans. -Has a tendency to burn when in an elevated emotional state -Eyes turn pure violet and glow when using thermal vision -Emits a noticeable smoky scent -Gets frustrated easily, especially whenever her lack of memory or her “search” is brought up -Seems to have great difficulty truly trusting others -Unable to sit still -Presumably due to her amnesia, she doesn’t understand how most technology works[/color] [b][ o t h e r ][/b] [/hider]