[center][color=Peru][h1][b][i]~Kekata Walker - Kocoum~[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm26c9HQbm1qckzxio1_500.gif[/img] [/center] [center] [color=Peru] [b]Name:[/b] Kekata Walker [b]Other Names:[/b] Kay [b]Real Name:[/b] Kocoum Akecheta [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Occupation:[/b] Juvenile Social Worker [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 22 + 400 Neverland years):[/b] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1iyhqFHCn1qhc6ylo1_r1_250.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age 35 + 400 Neverland years):[/b] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/c8edb8c999d71ce7f466edf0fb7eefa9/tumblr_mng6ta5DX41s2f7jdo1_400.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] By nature, Kocoum is the silent type playing the part of calm and composed in almost all situations. He is seen as a practical, responsible person which often-times leads to copious amounts of trust between the few people he allows in but because of his lack of trust in the common man, he very rarely gives second chances. On the opposite hand, when Kocoum does cross paths with someone who has done him wrong, he seeks the path of resolution and though he may not forgive them for their wrong-doings, he moves their relationship forward rather than look to the past. His notion of understanding is perhaps his largest weakness as he tends to give the benefit of the doubt to those who make wrong choices and uses that against them to help shape them into being a better person, even when the other does not wish to change. The phrase "tough love" comes to mind when dealing with Kocoum, as his serious, strict and oftentimes stern personality seclude him from others as they oftentimes feel uncomfortable around him, though what others fail to realize is that his heart is large and full of love - he just doesn't know how to show it. He is a brave individual, always willing to do the dangerous but necessary thing and does not fear death. This makes Kocoum a fierce protector, for there is nothing Kocoum won't do to save the people he loves. [b]Skills:[/b] Kocoum possesses the skills any average Indian would, honed to near perfection in his many years living in Neverland. These skills are, but not limited to: chopping/cutting wood, carving, stripping bark, hunting, cleaning game, fishing, climbing, fashioning makeshift weapons, making fire and basic combat and defense. Kocoum is completely at home in the wilderness and prefers it to what Earth would consider a domesticated lifestyle - though to keep up appearances he does own a small hut on the edge of town where he appears to live (semi) normally. On a related note, Kocoum also possesses the skill of blending in, both metaphorically and literally. While hunting, Kocoum has mastered the art of stealth to stalk his prey and by the literal meaning, it took almost nothing for Kocoum to adjust to life on Earth as he simply kept quiet and observed. Perhaps one of Kocoum's best, and most notable skills, is his ability to track. Both on Earth and in Fairy Tale World, Kocoum's keen sense of direction and paying attention to the smallest of details has always led him to what he needed to find - whether it be game or a person not wishing to be found, Kocoum's adept methods always point him in the right direction. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Kocoum was born to a rather modest Indian tribe within Neverland to one day take up the mantle of his father, Chief Powhatan. Such titles are very rarely passed on within Neverland, as it is a magical island that keeps it's inhabitants from aging too quickly and therefore people rarely die of old age. However other circumstances that bring about death keep the Indians within the tribe producing offspring, simply far less frequent than what would be considered 'normal.' So Kocoum was raised as any other Indian child would be in Neverland, though as he grew older, Kocoum took interest in the position of a warrior and became a fierce protector of his tribe against the pirates, mermaids and fairies that inhabited Neverland. He took special care to look after his younger sister, Pocahontas, and though there was a rather large age difference between them and their personalities polar opposites that gave them very little in common, Kocoum didn't love her any less though the one thing he would come to regret the most in life is not spending more time with her. One fateful day, visitors arrived to Neverland. They were not pirate nor fairy nor mermaid. Chief Powhatan ignored Kocoum's warning about not letting the strangers in, as Powhatan saw it as an opportunity to create allies to better aid them against the pirates. What began as a truce amongst friends quickly turned to an imprisonment. The visitors, led by a man by the name of John Ratcliffe, overran the Indians by taking advantage of their hospitality. Kocoum watched on helplessly as his people were bound, tortured, and eventually, killed. On the final day of the year-long war, Kocoum decided to take a stand and led a group of those who would follow him bravely to death against Ratcliffe, however his efforts were in vain. One by one his men perished, his father - the Chief - among the fallen and his sister missing. In a cry of rage, Kocoum made a final attempt at Ratcliffe himself but Ratcliffe was far more skilled. He attacked with striking force, rendering Kocoum unconscious but not before leaving a sword's length scar across his back - forever a memory that still haunts Kocoum's dreams presently, for it is a reminder that he was not good enough to save his people; his family. Kocoum awoke days later from the sound of whimperings from his pet wolf, Kachina and when Kocoum was able to get his wits about him enough to comprehend what had happened, it was too late. Ratcliffe and the other visitors were gone, half of the tribe left dead and a quarter taken as slaves with the remaining quarter broken as a people with no chief. When all seemed lost for the Indians of Neverland, a miracle in the form of a magical sorcerer appeared and after much apprehension, gained Kocoum's trust by promise of being reunited with his younger sister once again and was thus given a job. Kocoum had no idea what it was that he was getting himself into... [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Kocoum spent the first year or so on Earth quietly watching and observing, getting used to the way Earth worked, simply remaining "invisible." It was with intention, when he was sent to Earth, that he would be looking over Peter Pan, specifically, but when both he and Eric had somehow ended up on the other side of Earth on the continent of Australia, Kocoum instead found that he began to look over the boy, Mowgli, instead from a very fair distance. Once Mowgli was settled in the state of California - adopted into a foster home, Kocoum found a way to be involved in the boy's life without raising suspicion. Kocoum extended his skills of being able to find people by offering to work for the foster home in which Mowgli was placed in, working to bring back those who tried to run away and also to help those who had been adopted to new homes. He frequented the foster home, became a familiar face. But it wasn't until Mowgli (now called Caleb) fully began to understand his situation and became rather angry towards everything did he and Kocoum form a close relationship. Mowgli took to running away very often, and Kocoum was always the one to bring him back. More than that, though, Kocoum also became as a sort of guardian angel for the boy. He helped him out of juvenile hall on multiple occasions and even helped to resolve a few squabbles Caleb found himself in with other youngsters who defined themselves as a 'gang.' No matter what Caleb tried, Kocoum was always there to set things straight in his life, much to Caleb's disdain. He continues to look after the boy in such a way, and though it is long, tiring work, at least Kocoum knows that he is safe and his duty still being fulfilled. [b]Other:[/b] Kay was allowed to bring his wolf companion from Fairy Tale World to Earth. The two are rarely seen apart, even when Kay is working. Kachina is a fierce protector but gentle towards those who prove to have a pure heart. Because of Neverland, the two have been together since Kocoum's birth, however being on Earth has put a physical age on his best friend and Kay is starting to fear for the worst that age is finally taking it's toll on her. [img]http://static.tumblr.com/3a4e81ac6385d1a3321e84bcd49a356e/5evrkbq/UxQmtyrkl/tumblr_static_1.jpg[/img] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQJWmweYzRU]"Art Of War" by We The Kings.[/url] [/color] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Kocoum.gif[/img][/center]