[center][color=#b30000][h1][b][i]~Derek Stone - Mowgli~[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4dtgiqvpH1r5ruse.gif[/img] [/center] [center] [color=#b30000] [b]Name:[/b] Derek Stone [b]Other Names:[/b] Mowgli, Frog, Man Cub, Street Rat [b]Real Name:[/b] Aladdin Panya [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 4):[/b] [img]http://b7.za.is.pp.ru/t/torm1960/1/32792961Vpg.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age 17):[/b] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/d86ade3953f15f499b2ef0d948c4310b/tumblr_nvypeqY5Hn1u8au21o1_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Derek doesn't like to let too many people get too close to him, being handed from one foster home to another, he has a hard time trusting people's intentions. This has made Derek out to be exceptionally introverted from a very young age, and when he does speak out, finds it hard to do so as he has a stutter that tends to hold him back in favor of being embarrassed. To those who don't know him or his story, he is seen as "too" quiet and even sketchy, his reputation with hanging out with equally sketchy teenagers making him look to be a sort of "bad boy" exterior type while hanging on to the quiet and mysterious interior. Those that he does run with, however, Derek wouldn't consider to be actual friends but merely a group of boys who have similar interest he does and hangs out with them to pass the time and have fun. Some would call their group a gang - a pack, as their activities range from simple loitering to tagging, drinking, smoking and trespassing. Derek has landed himself in juvenile hall on a number of occasions, however his social worker tends to always bail him out. He considers Kay to be a nuisance and doesn't want his help, making him out to be prideful and wishing for full independence. Kay, though not Derek's favorite person by far, is perhaps the one person that knows more about Derek than what is just written on paper. Kay knows that Derek is simply an angry youth having a hard time accepting his life and takes it out on both people and objects because of his lack of understanding. He's emotional and quite often bursts into tears when he's alone because of his inner-confusion, willing to blame others for the misfortunes in his life. Derek wants to be what would be considered "good", he just doesn't believe he has the choice. [b]Skills:[/b] Derek is proficient in the art of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX7QNWEGcNI]parkour[/url], or free-running as it is sometimes called. It is a physical practice of getting from one point to another in a complex environment without assistive equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible. A multitude of other talents and skills are required to be able to free run, which includes running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling, quadrupedal movement, and other movements as deemed most suitable for the situation. Derek would even go as far to say that parkour has some aspects of a non-combative martial art. Because Derek practices parkour almost every day, he has built up a decent amount of strength and stamina, not to mention that he is able to perceive his surroundings in a completely different way; imagining the potentialities for navigating it by movement around, across, through, over and under it's features. The world is Derek's playground, and very rarely can Caleb simply walk from one place to another without having the itch to try and climb or jump over something along the way. With free-running also comes it's risks and with it's risks, Derek has indirectly learned an extended form of discipline and respect for his body and it's limits but that doesn't go without saying that he also hasn't developed a very high level of bravery for stunts that sometimes even he doesn't know if he is able to pull off without mistakes or even injury. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Mowgli was born in within a tiny village in Agrabah known exclusively for it's poverty. Shortly after giving birth, Mowgli's mother passed on and Mowgli was taken by a small band of thieves as payment for a debt Mowgli's father could not pay. The thieves in turn handed over the newborn to a buyer interested in children to use as slaves in neighboring Kingdoms. While traveling through Eldorado on the way to it's ocean harbor for transport, the wagon that held Mowgli and a few other children inside was attacked by a tiger, enormous to standard size. The slavers didn't last long, but one of them managed to detour the tiger away from the cart by striking it across the face with a lit torch before his untimely death. At first, it was very likely that the Mowgli would not make it being stranded in the middle of the jungle with wild cats running about, but with coincidental timing a rather kind-hearted panther found Mowgli and took him to a pack of nearby wolves. Even more coincidental, the alpha female, Raksha, had just lost her pups to Shere Khan, the tiger and was immediately adopted into the pack. Mowgli was gently nursed back to health and raised a wolf with opposable thumbs, learning any and all secrets the jungle of Eldorado had. By the time he was four, Mowgli had a rather firm grasp on the jungle life. However things changed for Mowgli drastically when Shere Khan came to them with a warning. Mowgli was still a cub, by jungle standards, but man cubs grow into men, and men destroyed the jungle. He offered to take care of Mowgli personally, ridding the problem before it became one, so to speak, but Shere Khan's offer was declined by the wolf pack. They were given one more offer - to hand over Mowgli before the next rain season or Shere Khan would do whatever it took to get Mowgli himself. The pack spent days arguing amongst themselves as to what to do with Mowgli. Some stuck firm to the belief that he was a part of the pack and they would do whatever it took to protect him while others believed that he was more trouble than he was worth and wanted him gone. Then, just as it seemed that the pack could not reach a decision, the kind-hearted panther who had found Mowgli to begin with interjected. It was his belief that it was time for Mowgli to return to be with his own kind and offered to get Mowgli to safety. The panther took Mowgli out of the jungle, revealing himself to Mowgli to be a man, just like him, though with magical powers that could take Mowgli from this place and give him a new home amongst man. So Mowgli was sent to Earth to live with his own kind and out of danger - both from Shere Khan and other rising powers. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] From the moment Mowgli arrived on Earth, things became difficult. Like most of the other children, Mowgli was found and taken to a foster home and given a temporary name until adoption since no record of their birth could be found. It wasn't until three years later that Mowgli was adopted by the Stone family, given the name Derek Stone but was quickly brought back after a few months when the parents gave up on him. What made adoption so difficult for Derek was the fact that he was just so... wild. He refused to learn to talk and it took until he was nearly eight years old before he started to walk properly. For years, Derek was taken into other people's homes, but never adopted as his file seemed to keep others weary of doing such a thing without doing a "test run" and relieved when they were able to just hand him back over to the Government once they realized why he hadn't been adopted yet fully. He was twelve when he actually began to speak English out loud, but with that came the realization that Derek had a stutter. Speech teachers were issued by the Government in hopes that if he spoke normally, he would be more likely to get adopted, but his wild, unruly behavior made teaching him near impossible and eventually they, too, gave up. Currently, Derek has been "issued out" to a young couple who make no move to adopting Derek but reap the financial rewards of putting up with him. Derek hardly sees them, and doesn't believe that they care that he rarely comes home in favor of living wild in the city and living off of what it can give him. The only constant in his life is the social worker assigned to his case by the name of Kakata Walker, who Derek just calls, Kay. He doesn't know or understand why Kakata cares for him as deeply as he does, enough to fork over his own money to get him out of trouble and once in a while ensure that he gets a hot meal, but Kakata is the only person Derek believes he can ever truly count on, despite his annoyance towards the man. [b]Other:[/b] Derek is hands-down a dog person and he wouldn't even be able to tell you why. He tends to spend whatever alone time he can come by in the company of a stray dog, lost within the city and feels more sociable with them than he ever has with a human. Derek got his tongue pierced at a young age by a "friend" who had his own piercing kit. Thankfully, it never got infected. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLQs0OrHiPY]"Breaking The Habit" by Linkin Park.[/url] [/color] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Caleb.gif[/img][/center]