[center][h1][color=fff200]Mai Butcher[/color], [color=6ecff6]Jess Butcher[/color], [color=bc8dbf]Ethel Storm[/color], [color=92278f]Jessica Albert[/color], [color=00aeef]Manami Fuyu[/color], [color=ed1c24]Cody Bloodstein[/color], [color=7ea7d8]Shiro Hime[/color], [color=39b54a]Sora Kaze[/color] and [color=2e3192]James Lumin[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://www.clipular.com/c/5537565895032832.png?k=roaKlPl9vCSZ5kGDTmAMZ7-bzkA[/img] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dzcliMItwItKl-rNpPu2UxSXQht9sBZHgLypH6ELspAwLxJEKhz1rxTjxOgGFAdKpwyOl8vRhbc784qScKLpZFDvUeA=w426-h240-n[/img] [img]https://www.clipular.com/c/5137417219080192.png?k=HK09Y5wgHWHwr_147lDWS0qzKMo[/img] [img]http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1379773458i/318161.jpg[/img] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/element-high/images/4/4c/Dress-flowers-hijiri_byakuren-long_hair-miyukirei-thighhighs-touhou-wet-yellow_eyes.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121201021150[/img] [img]http://phoenixwing.weebly.com/uploads/3/1/1/1/31114287/907950253.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.paralworld.com/600/8fdb8a53-edff-4bb9-a72f-3737f688aae7.jpg[/img] [img]http://cs405030.vk.me/v405030706/3809/wr--IcyLwh8.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/a5a3/f/2013/039/2/e/anime_guy_by_kurunomibreak-d5u7cys.jpg[/img] [/hider] [@Raijinslayer][@Zarkun][@Joshua Tamashii][@Roseletta][@Infichi][@Caits] The hammer James created never hit its intended target as a shield of light appeared briefly above of Jessica. Clashing swords with James now, Jessica stepped back as she was overpowered by the Paladin as darkness swirled around her sword. [color=92278f]"My guild is my family Paladin. Anyone who messes with it shall face justice."[/color] Jessica responded as the darkness began to take a similar shape to chains around of her [color=92278f]"Darkness Make: Chains of the Abyss."[/color] Turns out it wasn't just a similar shape, but the darkness had indeed formed chains and now raced towards James faster than most could even blink. Ethel had an annoyed look on her as Verrick talked. She was perfectly fine, she had changed into her iron form in preparation for a fight but she hadn't expected to be blindsided by someone else entirely. [color=bc8dbf]"Ethel doesn't know how to push buttons...Ethel thinks it might just be childish name calling."[/color] She looked at Verrick strangely as he talked. Call a girl obviously younger than herself flat-chested? It had never occurred to her, but perhaps if Verrick knew Amelia was only 11 then he wouldn't have brought up the subject. [color=bc8dbf]"Ethel is fine. Will take more than that to hurt Ethel."[/color] Well Ethel wasn't wrong. She had had been training with Sora for the last two years, so an attack of this scale while it had knocked her back had barely left a scratch. And even if she was hurt she had regenerative abilities which were second to none. So it would take more than one attack to bring her down. Unless it was from Sora. Sora could finish her in one hit if he tried. [color=bc8dbf]"Ethel fight fire with fire."[/color] A [url=http://the-elder-scrolls-skyrim.com/images/oblivion/renders/Weapons/Steel/Bow.png]bow[/url] now appeared in Ethel's hands. As James left Mai nodded briefly without taking her eyes off of Shiro. The instant she did, she knew Shiro would make a move. It was a waiting game now. [color=7ea7d8]"You people again...leave me alone. I don't know how many times I must repeat this; I have no family."[/color] Shiro stated as bluntly as humanly possible. She was sick of this group with the girl who claimed to be her sister. Shiro was an orphan abandoned by her parents at a church; Manami was the only thing she could remotely call family. She wasn't sure what they gained by doing this either, maybe they just wanted to turn her in. She didn't care regardless of whether or not their claims turned out to be true either. [color=fff200]"This again? Really? Oh I am so not in the mood for having this argument. I'm sure Ethel can forgive me if I fry you a little, I just want to kick your ass that much."[/color] Mai spat out as she fired another stream of electricity towards Shiro. Shiro disappeared before it could make contact and before Mai could react a blinding white light suddenly filled her vision. Next thing she knew, she could feel Shiro's fist connecting with her stomach. The impact of the punch caused a shockwave to ring out and send Mai flying quite quickly into and through a nearby building. Jess fared not much better. Staggering around due to becoming blind, she tripped over some nearby rubble and dropped Chu. The Chu now rolled away as she felt around her surroundings. Cody had finally gotten up after listening to what Ferrin had to say earlier. During the chaos unraveling around of him, he had simply been sitting down in deep thought. However now he quickly found that there were quite a few extra wizards compared to before. Jeez this situation was getting way out of hand...if only he hadn't tried attacking Nidhogg. Then maybe none of this would've happened... Shaking his head suddenly, he quickly reprimanded himself. It was no use dwelling on the past now. Maybe he could still prove he was somewhat useful. Shiro, having dealt with Mai, now quickly made her way over to Manami as the light around of her flickered slightly. Next thing anyone knew, a man with dark, night-like hair and brown eyes in a casual black suit. [color=2e3192]"Arthur and Angela are hanging back if needed. Shiro take Manami and get out of here quickly. Me and Jessica will buy you time."[/color] James stepped between the two female mages and the rest of the wizards as he talked. It was the job of the lesser wizards to buy their superiors time to retreat in James' opinion, and there was no way he was going to let his guild mates be hurt any more either. Sora shrugged at Ferrin's response. Sora wasn't the magic councils fan, nor would they probably be his either, and he agreed that they were rather pathetic at their jobs. But this was a new low, even for the magic council. Sora could see this fight happening from far off, so surely they wouldn't be too far off. [color=39b54a]"Why are all governing bodies absolutely useless?"[/color] Sora didn't seem to be talking to Ferrin as he said this, more like he was speaking his mind. Glancing over at the fight happening behind of them he frowned slightly but turned back to Ferrin as he introduced himself. [color=39b54a]"Ferrin huh? Well Ferrin, I'm Sora. I honestly don't know why someone of your strength bothered coming here. There isn't a single person of note to fight here."[/color] Sora yawned as he talked now. He could feel the immense magical power Ferrin had, as Ferrin could probably feel Sora's own immense magical power. Although Sora seemed bored, he wasn't. He had found a powerful mage, perhaps one powerful enough to give him a challenge. But he seemed like he was preoccupied with whomever was in the rubble and he didn't like intruding on other peoples fights. It was kinda rude, even for him. Besides he wouldn't want to fight Ferrin. Not in the city anyway, he didn't want to pay for damages or have the council baring down on him. Even if they were horrendous at their jobs they still weren't THAT bad at doing them. [center][h1][color=f49ac2]Jasmine Lockwood[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7a/ea/49/7aea49979d724bfa6273ac171870ecec.jpg[/img] [/center] [/hider] [@Caits] Jasmine let out a loud scream as they suddenly shoot into the air. Although Penny's fire was warm and soothing, so she quickly got over any feelings of vertigo or the like. Jasmine was obviously surprised to be not being burnt by Penny's magic...there really was all kinds of magic in the world wasn't there?! She watched with eyes wide in amazement at the sight before her. She would never had thought it possible to view Crocus from above like this...the city was just bursting with people and activities. It was a rather nice view to be perfectly honestly. Clinging tightly to Penny she nodded briefly when she realised she was being talked to. [color=f49ac2]"Ah yeah...just a little surprised is all."[/color] Surprised was an understatement, but that mattered little anyway. At the speed they were going, they would get there in record time!