Oh my, this is a great topic. Thanks for it, [@Cynder]. Surely to be the source of many awws and dawws in the future! Meet Benji, a two-and-a-half years old male Puli (an original, ancient Hungarian breed) dog. [hider=Benji][img]https://scontent.fbud1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1620807_707368979325838_2013374722_n.jpg?oh=550e6242627fab40be5e664f44b8d05c&oe=582373C2[/img][/hider] He's our second dog and there is quite a story behind him! Mainly, he was not always a Puli. Or at least, we never thought he was one when we first got him. He was supposed to be a [i]Bichon havanese[/i], a smaller, usually indoors-kept breed of dog originating from Cuba. They come in a variety of colours and forms, including [url=http://www.barsonykennel.hu/kolykok_M/kiralyerdei_monalisa_02_bichon_havanese_kolyok_kutya.jpg]this.[/url] See the similarity? We had no doubts that our little Benji was also a Havanese. Then time passed and he started to grow. And boy, did he not stop growing. [hider=Grown Benji][img]https://scontent.fbud1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/11071139_953235231405877_2245281549263003482_n.jpg?oh=8a1048ffffdc1e16a3502e2b5ce1a4e1&oe=5859D274[/img][/hider] This picture was taken more than a year ago. By that time, he was already too large to be considered a Bichon havanese. His features did not quite fit the bill either. So we investigated and quickly found that Benji was something entirely different: a Hungarian Puli! Or a Pumi (similar, almost identical, but still different breed). He might even be both. We're still not sure! All in all, Benji went from being a small, indoors [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toy_dog]'toy dog'[/url] to a true outside hunter and shepherd dog, keeping our household free from everything from cats to birds and even moles. Back in the day, on the endless Hungarian plains, his kind helped the shepherds keep the sheeps and other livestock in check. Now, we are his 'herd' he protects almost zealously. And we love him! [hider=♥][img]https://scontent.fbud1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1560567_707369232659146_1977234052_n.jpg?oh=db45aad398dc9cd0f04e0ce91150ec5d&oe=582B5639[/img][/hider]