I'm going to go ahead and gush that this thread exists at all! I love the bitching thread, but... thank you, all of you, for doing your part to contribute to the positive attitude of a site that has seen too many ups and downs these past few years. Y'all the real MVPs. Also, to put more happiness out there, I changed my avatar a few days ago after weeks of wanting to without knowing what to make it... Absolutely love it. Usually don't care that much, for some reason I'm really happy with this change. Secondly! I received some amazing feedback in a PM on a character I made last night, got the PM today. For a long time, I thought I was going through a stagnant period of not really improving or getting worse... But I guess I was just getting better gradually and not playing with new people as much. So that's got me all kinds of excited. Furthermore, the other day, I got to roleplay a scene that was really rather emotionally charged for an intro post and I'd never played one like it before. My buddy told me it was really good and he didn't see it coming - but in a cool twist way, not in a "Yeah, that wouldn't really happen" kind of way. That's my feely-goods today. I'm gonna try to help keep this bumped - love the concept, we need more of it.