[center][h2][b][color=f7976a]Vamyr Turambar[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] He took a ring curiously, eyeing it before sliding it on and wincing at the flash of heat that seemed to encircle his finger. What the wizard's words implied made the brief pain seem pleasant though. Illusions? Vamyr clenched his fist and flexed his hand, thinking. This was a great safeguard, but maybe a weakness as well. He swayed in the saddle slightly while waiting for his companions to mount up before wearily following Ofnir. The guards thoughts were preoccupied for the short ride, hazily spinning between the idea of keeping watch at night and the merits of sleeping on a snowdrift versus the ground. [hr] When they reached the spot, he didn't bother setting the tent up all the way, instead having his horse lay down and wrapping himself up in his blanket- draping them both with the canvas of the tent. Hopefully the horses would wake them if something was amiss- that was as much thought as he could muster before passing out.