[color=1b1464][center][h1] Kyle Arabian [/h1][/center][/color] Kyle regained his composure and gave a good hard look around the room. Almost everyone else in here, excluding one other poor soul who looked like they had it rough getting here as well, looked like they got here no problem which means that once again he was the odd man out. Kyle tried to straighten himself up and wipe himself off which ended up just making the floor around him even more dirty. doing this he saw made the professor looking guy look flabbergasted. [color=1b1464]"Sorry about that. My name is Kyle."[/color] Kyle started to walk forward to shake the professors hand when he realized he was just tracking more wet mud on the ground. Kyle took one step back and away from all the other trainers. Now that he had a good look at everyone, he could see what everyone looked like. Everyone here looked at least modestly good looking, and everyone looked like they came from decent homes. [color=1b1464]"So......sorry about the mess everyone I mean really if you wanna blame anyone blame Tree here he is kinda an ass."[/color] Kyle smiled and chuckled abit while patting is Treecko who was perched on his shoulder on his head. Treecko in return smacked him upside his head. [color=1b1464]"hope we can all get along being a trainer isn't my first choice but hey traveling to new places and eating new foods sounds...slightly entertaining. Oh and before we leave I hope we can take a moment to find the janitor for this place. I feel slightly bad about trekking in all this crap."[/color]