Dimitri gave Nuime a somewhat amused look as he accepted the water bottle with a thanks and mulled over her request with a brief sip of water, appearing utterly unfazed by the idea of sharing food or drink with a complete stranger. "[b][color=f26522]Well, typically civilians aren't allowed to just wander the facility as they please, but since you [i]do[/i] seem to be genuinely interested in understanding how to get along in this hero business, I guess we could give you a visitors pass. Just...promise not to damage anything, otherwise Jack and I could end up in a lot of trouble, what with us acting as your chaperones and all.[/color][/b]" He explained, intentionally conscripting Jack of Spades into the plan regardless of whatever his fellow hero may have had to say on the matter. The hero flashed a toothy grin at the prospect of potentially walking away with the day's deadpool weighing down his wallet. Better still was the fact that he technically had an excuse to join in beyond just having terrible impulse control. "[b][color=f26522]Well, since we're doing this I may as well go ahead and ask if you two wanna sit in as well![/color][/b]" Dimitri said as his gaze shifted to the pair of American tourists, "[b][color=f26522]You guys interested? Be one helluva story to tell your friends when you get back home, yeah?[/color][/b]".