[quote=@Vec] I just made this, so we have an overal picture of our cast thus far. [hider=Character List] [h3]Current Character List[/h3][b]Active Gods[/b][list] [*][b]Vowzra[/b], Creation God (Time) [*][b]Logos[/b], Order God (Physics) [*][b]Ilunabar[/b], Beauty Goddess (Stories, Colors) [*][b]Kyre[/b], War God (Combat) [*][b]Ull'Yang[/b], Cosmic God (Stars) [*][b]Slough[/b], Life Goddess (Wilderness) [*][b]Niciel[/b], Light Goddess (Purity) [*][b]Toun[/b], Creation God (Perfection) [*][b]Astarte[/b], Magic Goddess (Souls) [*][b]Zephyrion[/b], Change God (Air) [*][b]Teknall[/b], Crafting God (Masonry, Carpentry) [*][b]Vestec[/b], Chaos God (Corruption, Violence) [*][b]Jvan[/b], Beauty Goddess (Flesh, Mathematics) [/list] [b]Inactive Gods[/b][list] [*][b]Vakalron[/b], Chance God (Trickery) / [b]STATUS: [color=GRAY]UNKNOWN[/color][/b] [*][b]Daegon[/b], Deceit God (Psychological Manipulation) / [b]STATUS: [color=GRAY]UNKNOWN[/color][/b] [*][b]Vulamera[/b], Mind Goddess (Intelligence, Perception) / [b]STATUS: [color=YELLOW]INCAPACITATED[/color][/b] [*][b]Mammon[/b], Occult God (Demons) / [b]STATUS: [color=RED]DEAD[/color][/b] [*][b]Reathos[/b], Death God (Spirits) / [b]STATUS: [color=RED]DEAD[/color][/b] [*][b]Julkolfyr[/b], Darkness God (Shadows) / [b]STATUS: [color=ORANGE]IMPRISONED[/color][/b] [*][b]Belruarc[/b], Magic Goddess (Pacts) / [b]STATUS: [color=GREEN]ALIVE[/color][/b] (Mortal) [/list] [b]Active Demigods[/b][list] [*][b]Lifprasil[/b], Emotions Demigod (Sentience) [*][b]Keriss[/b], Chance Demigoddess (Suffering) [*][b]Belvast[/b], Space Demigod (Portals) [*][b]Amartia[/b], Chaos Demigod (Sin) [*][b]Kinesis[/b], Crafting Demigoddess (Machinery) [*][b]Lazarus[/b], Knowledge Demigod (Secrets) [*][b]Conata[/b], Toil Demigoddess (Metalworking) [/list] [/hider] [/quote] I put that in the first post of the Character thread. Very helpful, much thanks.