Watching everyone else speaking about their powers Bao Lu just casually sat back and listened to the variety of people he was now going to be working with. First up was the professor who showed the phasing powers Bao had seen before. Remembering how much it freaked him out the first time. Since he didn’t truly realize where he was, having just arrived to the mansion. Where he watched someone basically walking around like a ghost. Scared the shit out of Bao. Next up was Animal who turned into a cobra by the looks of it. Though what Bao noticed more was the sickening crunch sound his jaw made snapping it back in place. A sound Bao had heard before after a kick went array in kung fu training. Still seemed like a fun power if one could get over the whole body parts contorting all fucked up. Rocket? That was a weird codename but being named Wind Dancer in Chinese was probably not going to give Bao room to talk. Still watch a guy flick a big dent in a wall was... well kind of weirdly unimpressive really... maybe his been here too long already. Katherine didn’t demonstrate her powers of persuasion which Bao could understand. Still someone who was hot like that probably didn’t need much help persuading men to begin with. Oh goody, a telepath. God Bao hoped the guy didn’t read his thoughts when Katherine was talking.... He knew Grace and her powers already so honestly he didn’t pay that much attention when she showed them off. Still hearing her need to focus and executing it Bao gave her a supportive gentle applause. The air squad needs to stick together of course. Raylan didn’t need to do much to get Bao to realize the guy was going to be a grade A prime pain in the ass to deal with. Another whiny little punk who has had it great but still needs to complain about it all most likely. Bao secretly hoped the two got put into some kind of sparring match. He can straighten Raylan out in no time. Cracking some ribs usually gets the job done like that. Finally came Casey who demonstrated his powers with some good old fashion property damage. Not bad stuff to watch as the guy just did it all looking like a cool under the collar Ralph Lauren model. Finally though as everyone else had gone Bao looked around realizing he was last as everyone seemed to be realizing the same thing, looking his way. Sighing as he hopped up to his feet Bao started wiggling his fingers a bit. Feeling the small bits of wind sliding between them as he looked around. “Sup? Name’s Bao Lu. Codename is Fēng wǔ zhě, but Wind Dancer works if that’s too much of a mouthful.” Focusing for a moment Bao quickly raised his arms up, letting a gust of wind quickly lift him straight up off his feet and up to ceiling height before he came down and wiped his shirt off. “I can control the wind. Plus... I mean I know it doesn’t count as a power or anything.” Bao folded his arms with a confident belief as he looked around and felt easily sure he could say so. “I was trained 10 plus years in kung fu. So I can probably kick just about anyone’s ass in here.” Stopping for a moment Bao looked over at Mr. Latour. “Can I say ass? I mean butt I guess...” Finally after that Bao casually flopped back onto the couch.