Brett smiled, not the kind Austin would, one more wry and snooty, as if he was looking down on her. He moved over to her, taking a mobile phone from his back pocket, sliding it open and browsing through it as he put his glasses back on. [color=0054a6]"I'm glad you've seen sense, it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes for them to pick us up after I make this call."[/color] He raised the phone to his ear, but something seemed to be wrong. His face went blank and pale as if he had seen a ghost. His hand shot up like a bullet, clutching his head as he grit his teeth. He fell to the ground gasping, his head felt like it was being split open. He suddenly turned to Shadowbird, his expression, demeanor and voice clearly changed as he shouted to her. [color=6ecff6]"Ari, don't go with them, they'll turn you into something that will do way more damage to your family than they ever could do!"[/color] It seemed that Austin had broken through somehow, after months of being trapped inside the husk of his body his encounter with his former partner seemed to trigger something within him. [color=6ecff6]"And what'd I tell you about keeping doing what we always did? You think I'd ever let you go through with this?[/color] In a gruesome turn of events Brett practically slammed his head on the ground, cracking his glasses over the very same eye Austin lost on the day. He held his palm over his face, staring down at the now broken phone. [color=0054a6]"This complicates things. We'll need to get to the facility on foot now."[/color] He spoke, seemingly unphased by the last few events, as if he had not even noticed them. He took a pair of handcuffs from the back of his belt, locked one end around his wrist and held the other out for Shadowbird.