[quote=@The Spectre] What is the MCF? And how did you guys got ban? [/quote] There's a fun story. Googer founded this RP back in 2010 on the Sporum but from what I understand (I wasn't around then), they jumped off that sinking ship and migrated to Minecraft Forums (MCF) in 2011-2012, where it continued for a few years. The admin of MCF, a squid named Citric, took a page from Stalins book and started purging the "Other" section of things he disliked - swearing, politics and chat threads. HugtheZombie/Pepperm1nts and Feokris/Shyri, two of our own, had infiltrated the moderators outer circles and the Precipricks tried to encourage better-quality RP through them. There was even a roleplay discussion thread that had slipped through the cracks and basically became a place for us to shitpost, chat and advertise new RP's. Anyway, somehow Citric found out and started purging the Roleplay section. Feo got put into "retirement" and Hugs was outright de-modded for "neglecting their duties" (not enforcing the swear ban properly, allowing a chat thread to exist). I think Evan or Vilage even got banned or something. We eventually found out a guy on the forum who disliked us had sold us out to the secret police and then Aaron dragged us over here 2 years ago or so. The old threads are still up, buried beneath highschool RPs and Aaron still shitposts there sometimes.