Well given that I've been hovering for a couple of hours I figure I may as well introduce myself. I'm Iktomi nice to meet all of you. So a bit of quick background. Originally I was just reading the character sheets and a few IC posts and decided to message Kho to inform him that he had set up a fascinating roleplay and gathered a fantastic group of writers. One thing lead to another and [s]the wedding is in a week[/s] he convinced me to create a character. End of background, now current events! Before even thinking about a Demigod I would like to determine what his/her domain/portfolio will be. The simplest way to do that is determine who brought them into this world. Any volunteers? Edit: Just discovered that their domain/portfolio isn't dependent on their parent so scratch that aspect. However I am still accepting applications to be the father/mother of the yet unknown demigod.