Arilu sat at the edge of a shimmering lake, sunlight filtering through the leaves, making beautiful patterns upon the forest floor. The lake was large, and a deep blue hue that seemed to sparkle a bit unnaturally even in places that didn't sit in the suns rays. This particular lake was the Lake Of The Enchantress, and resided in the Flower Forest. There lived The Enchantress, an ancient and magical being, as well as Llyrth, a white dragon of immense power who lived in the Great Tree that stood in the center of the lake. That tree was the largest of the four kingdoms, some saying it reached into the very heavens above where the celestial star beings lived and ruled. Arilu dangled her bare feet in the cool water, her face set in a grim mask of concentration. Her eyes were closed, and her raven black hair hung loosely down her back, pooling onto the ground behind her. Her pale white skin seemed far too fair against that dark mass of hair, but upon closer inspection many battle scars could be seen upon her body from years of protecting these lands and its people. She had a beautiful dragon tattoo upon her left shoulder and shoulder blade, and a long scar that ran from her left eyebrow down to her cheek. Heaving a sigh, she opened her eyes, and emerald green orbs rimmed with sapphire blue stared into the distance at nothing in particular. The dragon Llyrth dropped from somewhere up above in the Great Tree and stared at her intently before speaking in a soft, yet firm male voice. "Arilu my darling, if you stare any harder into the distance you may start a fire. Breathe. Fate will bring those destined to help you overcome the plights of this land all in good time. No sense in brooding over that which you cannot change at this point and time. Concentrate on the things you can change, and the people you can help at this point and time." Llyrth laid his head down upon the ground at the base of the tree, his massive body following suit. Arilu's eyes moved to look at the dragon, a frown forming on her delicate face, her hands clenching the grass she sat upon. "Llyrth, I wish it was that simple. Alas, I have an entire country to worry about, along with three others, and I cannot be everywhere at once. Our borders are kept relatively safe by the wards set long ago by my companions and I, but supplies coming from the other countries has come to an abrupt halt because they do not have the same luxuries as my people, and they are attacked everyday by a new threat. Our neighbors to the north of Trisolan can't and won't offer aid, because they themselves are still rebuilding even after all of these long years. So Narmingad is not a viable option." She gave a low snort. "It's not an option even the other kingdoms would recognize, they still will not even recognize Narmingad as a kingdom, and just lay the burden to me because of its past..." She closed her eyes briefly, a rogue tear slipping down her cheek. "I don't even have my old companions here anymore. I feel so alone. Not powerless...just...alone." Llyrth's eyes showed sadness as he looked at her. "I am sorry my child, but these are not burdens you will forever carry, and they are not burdens that will forever cause you despair. Things will look up, and you will not be alone for long, of that I am positive. So get Cinniu'int and your wolf children, and go home to your family and be happy for a while, even if it is brief." Arilu looked slightly confused for a moment as she looked at the dragon. "Did I not tell you? Shandal and Nalandris are in the Celestial Kingdom where it is safe, along with Nephas to keep on eye on them." Llyrth seemed to smirk before he started disappearing up the Great Tree once more. "Ahh, well maybe you forgot to mention that or maybe you didn't. I couldn't say. Goodbye for now Chosen One, may the Great Tree bless you and your thoughts." Then he was gone from site, not making a sound as he went. Arilu stared up at the tree in amazement. "How in the world does he do that without making a sound every time?" Shaking her head, Arilu stood reluctantly and looked around for Cinniu'int, her bond mate and steed. The gigantic black stallion came from in between the trees and stepped gracefully towards his friend and companion. Arilu smiled lovingly, laying her hand gently upon his great neck. "Let's go home, I think Llyrth is right. I've done enough brooding today." She swung onto his back with ease, and they started back to Penwyth Castle. "Where is Tantra and Jasper?" Cinniu'int shook his head gently and gave a snort. "Headed back to the castle already. They didn't say a word. Just up and left." Arilu sighed softly. "Maybe my brooding got to them. I have been a bear recently. Let's hurry and get home, I should see if that's why, and if so, apologize to them." Cinniu'int snorted in response and they headed home at a quick pace.