(GONNA SPELLCHECK TOMORROW WHEN I IS NOT TIRED I IS TIRED OH MOTHER OF MEGUMIN I IS TIRED) [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLSJBEB8q7o]BGM[/url][/center] The provisional transport was brought as close as possible to the gathering of players near the current conflict. Something… [i]odd[/i] was floating about the air. Paper Moon had noticed it and graced its existence with a light sigh. Strawberry Baby, Leviathan, Regality- hell, probably everybody had taken note by now: The oddly disconcerting absence of tank shells. The assets that have been pelting the city to no end were now silent. His brows only furrowed more as he stepped off the vehicle to survey the sight, [color=#DC143C]”Perhaps they’re planning on besieging the city?”[/color] Strawberry extrapolated while displaying a similar expression to the rogue’s. He shook his head in response, critical thought painted all over his face, [color=#FF7F00]”Don’t think that’s the case. They came here without a plan, well, maybe a sorry excuse for one. They basically started shooting anything that moved, so I’m gonna guess that whoever’s spearheading the assault finally got their wits about them and ordered a cease-fire.”[/color] It was at that very moment another revelation came about. One that shook the very fundamentals of their current affairs. Moon raised an eyebrow as he glanced back at the girl visibly distraught, [color=#FF7F00]”H-Hey, you don’t think that the Bruisers actually believe we’re going to go on a full-out assault, even though the odds are obviously stacked in their favor, right?”[/color] Strawberry Baby raised her shoulders lethargically, meeting the boy’s worried gaze. Now, most friends would usually try to empathize for one another. Reassure the anxious party, tell them it’s alright, sprinkle words of mollification until the original problem can no longer be distinguished. Strawberry wasn’t “most people”. [color=#DC143C]”Well, I’m sure the Strykers by now have realized that their current task to take out those turrets, or the option of catharsis would never come into reach. [i]Buuuuuuut[/i], had I been the opposing recipient of that little announcement of yours, I would have taken it just as it sounde- Okay you know what, I take back what I said earlier. Don’t go into public speaking. You know that girl you were with earlier? She seemed nice. Marry her and become a stay-at-home dad. That’s the only measure of redemption you can achieve now.”[/color] Ruthless. Strawberry’s wry smile only rubbed the salt deeper into the wound and poured hot sauce on top. On the bright side, the Strykers had yet to do any damage to the Bruisers. This fact alone may have been their only leverage. Before Moon could dwell over the current situation and predict the various routes it might go down, the all too familiar crackle denoting a public announcement resounded throughout the city. The Strykers were indefinitely under Paper’s command. At this juncture, they knew well enough that Moon Rider’s words were just orders made from a far off haven. What her umbral highness didn’t know is that the boys and girls gathered in the streets weren’t seeking glory. Pride was something that has long since been discarded. They weren’t attached to the king spewing enticements; They were attached to the sky that have been tasked to defend once again. Although the Strykers had a strong grasp on their leader, the Bruisers seemed to not follow the same theorem. His acute hearing picked up muffle explosions, a heads-up that gave him and everybody else just enough time to brave for impact. Luckily, the tanks that had fired weren’t aiming at the assembled Strykers, probably because they didn’t have a lick of an idea that this many players were gathered in one spot. As shells continued to explode and cake the streets and buildings, Moon’s ears were grazed by a distant cry. It was nearly drowned out by the perpetual hammering, but it gradually intensified, as if it was getting closer. [color=green]”MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!”[/color] Paper Moon whirled around as he caught the sight of a War Machine weaving through the city block, dodging explosions by a hair. If it wasn’t for the armored plating of the APC, the vehicle would have surely caught fire or rendered entirely inoperable. It made a beeline straight for the little posse and screeched to a halt to the side. [color=green]”I WANNA GO HOOOOOOOME, MAMAAAAAAAAA!!”[/color] Drauni wailed as he practically soared out of the transport and wrapped his arms around the orange-haired boy, taking him into a bear hug. Painfully realistically rendered tears flowed down the Ranger’s face as he burrowed it into the older player’s chest. Moon pushed at the kid’s head with both hands in an attempt to pry himself free of the inseparable embrace, [color=#FF7F00]”GET OFF ME, I DON’T LOVE YOU! I GAVE YOUR FATHER CUSTODY RIGHTS FOR A REASON!”[/color] He yelled in terror as the two reenacted a third-rate soap opera. [color=green]”I DUN’ WANNAAAAAAA. DADDY IS ALWAYS BRINGING HOME RANDOM WOMEN!!”[/color] It was Strawberry clearing her throat that broke the two out of their display. They collected themselves, but nearly fell backwards into their original shattered demeanors at the intimidating appearance of Dark Wraith. Well, Paper Moon quickly mended himself and looked presentable. Drauni… not so much. The Rogue took the chance to tear himself free of the kid and nodded at the second in command of the Sweepers. [color=#FF7F00]”One update coming right up.”[/color] His tone was cordial as ever, yet one could notice the tinge of urgency within it. The boy backtracked to the provisional transport and leaned over its wooden exterior. He spent a few seconds rummaging through the ride’s story until he froze all of a sudden. [color=#FF7F00]”Wait… what?”[/color] He asked aloud in outright disbelief. He took hold of whatever had caught his eye and after putting on an exagerrated display lugged it onto the asphalt. A vintage 1980 boombox laid at his feet in nearly pristine condition along with a complimentary microphone. Moon raised his eyebrow and stared at the others as he tried to grasp whatever fragments of reality remained intact, [color=#FF7F00]”I don’t… how the… S-shit, I guess there really is no God.”[/color] The boy ran a hand down his face and picked up the relic, then shifted his feet under the weight and made his way over to Drauni. [color=#FF7F00]”Here, hold this.”[/color] He deposited the artifact seemingly trapped in time into the kid’s grasp and took in a deep breath with the weight finally shifted off his shoulders. The noob nearly crumpled to the pavement instantaneously. Squinted eyes proceeded through the process with the utmost cautious, as if the boombox was a primed bomb that had to be defused. [color=#FF7F00]”Ah, this should work.”[/color] Moon said with a sense of accomplishment as he took the microphone and gave it a quick pat. [color=#FF7F00]”Testing one-two. One-two. I like to eat sundaes… on [i]Sundays[/i]. Aight, good, this thing has yet to blow up in my hands, which must mean I’m doing something right.”[/color] [i]For once.[/i] Moon waved at the crowd of Strykers, capturing their attention as best as he could amidst all of the gunfire and explosions. [color=#FF7F00]”Alright, here’s how this is going to go down. Right now, our sole objective is to send those turrets back to the manufacturers and ask for a full refund. Rogues, I want you to split yourselves among vanguard and rearguard. Those of you that are grenadiers, I’m going to need you up behind those tanks with a couple Warriors to cover you wherever the tanks can’t. Two grenadiers per squad, one should focus on direct fire while the other focuses on optimized AoE. Rocketeers and the main line of Tank-archetype Warriors will be forming firing lines at the street ends, just out of the Bruisers’ arcs. Don’t worry about turret agro, those lovely culminations should be drawing all of it. But in case a few rounds come your way, well, we’ve got Healers for that. As for the rest of you with normal armaments, simply do what our forefathers and their forefathers did: Shoot the living- or I guess in this case [i]mechanical[/i] shit out of it! Somebody’s messing around with those turrets! Let’s show them whose city this is!”[/color] Before bellowing cheers could fill the air, Paper Moon held out an open palm to silence them a little longer, [color=#FF7F00]”Almost forgot to say this: Hikaru’s new album is going to hit the network tomorrow. Pick up a code at Purple Crown’s general store for ten percent off. Get them while supplies last. Ok [i]now[/i] you can shoot the shit out of those turrets.”[/color] Cheers erupted after Paper Moon finished delegating responsibilities. Even a few [b]YEAH, FOR HIKARUUUU[/b]’s cropped up among the volumes in the air. Strykers were already gathering into coherent units. These were people bonded by one goal. The tanks still retained the turrets’ attention as three small squads rushed to their rears. The vehicles were able to interpret what came next and were already in the midst of raising their cannons. 150mm smoothbore stared down the emplacements lining the walls while they incessantly fired upon the armored pieces. [color=#FF7F00]”And… Fire!”[/color] The turret fire dwelled in comparison as what followed. Streaks of light seemed to coalesce then defract off to various rays of physics at work. Plooms of smoke laid waste to the once calm air. Unity had taken over. Paper Moon stared in awe at the sudden development. The sky itself was on fire. The usually dull pigmented skybox had been ignited and painted a stark orange as rounds permeated the layers of grey clouds. If it weren’t for the current circumstances, he may have been so bold as to call the spectacle [i]picturesque[/i]. He stood there captivated for a few moments before he returned the the matter at hand. The Strykers weren’t in need of direct command just yet, at least not until things started getting hairy. Moon turned to face the group of players who were essentially spearheading this whole operation, [color=#FF7F00]”Drauni, take Nostradamus to the rearguard and keep him alive. The game still seems to be skewed in your favor. Guess Lady Luck seems to have an eye for you, young one.”[/color] Both Drauni and Strawberry cringed at the sight of Moon exercising even the slightest extent of seniority. [color=green]”A-alright, shall we? Don’t worry, I’ll keep you alive…(hopefully).”[/color] He murmured the last bit while the Ranger produced his marksman rifle and nudged his head in the direction of the raging firefight. [color=#FF7F00]”Phantom, try to hold off from resurrecting any deceased players for the time being. Though that’s asking a lot, I don’t think it would do morale any good if the Strykers have to watch their brethren be used as meat shields. If I may be so humble as to ask of you to help keep everybody order. Need somebody I can rely on to command them.”[/color] The boy spoke honestly. (i’ll add more here tomorrow sorry phantom #tears4phantom) Finally, Paper Moon’s gaze shifted over to Dark Wraith, [color=#FF7F00]”Hope that suffices. Oh, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”[/color] Despite his rank, Moon was on good terms with a few Erasers, but he’s only heard about this one, and a fair amount at that. [color=#FF7F00]”Formalities will have to wait for later- Alright, lemme get straight to the point. You’ve noticed it too, right?”[/color] Suddenly, his voice grew quite serious. His lax countenance was superceded by a deadpan expression. Jokes had been flung out the window. [color=#FF7F00]”This, and I mean all of this is probably the work of an Eraser. Bruisers just didn’t come here ‘cause they caught went that a powwow was popping off. Turrets meant for warding off stray dissolutions and enemy factions don’t just go haywire. And even though this kingdom has fallen before, I’m sure it wasn’t due to a brute of a king who lacked tact. Moon Rider- or whoever the hell is up there in that throne room is the mastermind’s voice.”[/color] Paper raked the back of his head as he quickly cast his gaze over to the firefight, then back at Dark Wraith, [color=#FF7F00]”So if you’re going pay the king a visit, mind taking me with you? I’d like to give Rider my two cents and hopefully not be pummelled afterwards.”[/color] And back to the comical relief. The boy let out a chuckle, effortlessly drowned out by the tunes of conflict. Strawberry nudged Leviathan with her elbow as he peered at the scene of the two conversing, [color=#DC143C]”Never thought I’d ever be graced with Dark Wraith’s presence.”[/color] She was blatantly sarcastic, but there was a morsel of honest respect in her voice. [color=#DC143C]”So I take it you’re his partner? Not just anybody would drag alone two of his friends and fly in on a dragon through a hailstorm of gunfire. Then again, I don’t think Moon really has a sense of fear. Or he’s just blindingly ignorant.”[/color] She had already deduced that the girl was a Sweeper. What she really wanted to ascertain was her relation to the Rogue, and perhaps just acquired another ally who worked in the same field as she. [@Lucius Cypher][@Mega Birb][@Bombardier][@Kimiyosis]