Rodger watched the girl go, wondering whether or not she would keep her word. Rodger enjoyed giving people the benefit of the doubt, but her being so distinctive didn't hurt his decision to just let her go. If she didn't show up tomorrow he'd just go looking for the girl with the flower in her shoulder and give her a stern talking too. Probably while she was rooted to the dirt. He glanced wearily over to the stone faced Vitalogy. The way that girl acted around his Stand had bugged him. "Hey buddy." She said to it. "She know something I don't? You ain't alive, are you?" It turned its head to look at him and stayed tight lipped, doing nothing to quell Rodger's unease. Had he made it do that? He'd always thought of the Stand as a puppet he controlled with his mind. It had certainly never done anything of its own accord or offered any sort of opinion, but now that he thought about it Vitalogy did do little things, tiny gestures that couldn't come from conscious order on his part. Maybe it was controlled unconsciously, like how you adjust yourself in a chair to get more comfortable. "Here I am explaining rules when I've still got so many questions." He said, remembering that bizarre night years ago when the fireworks had malfunctioned and the confusing spectre that he had awoken with in the aftermath. It had been an odd couple of weeks after that. He waved a hand at it and Vitalogy was banished from his sight. Thinking like that would only throw off his vibe. He set out back the way he came. As he made his way back to the front of the Golden Peking a sopping wet girl tromped past him, and he wonder for a moment what that story was. At least until he saw the windows. Particularly the big ragged hole torn in his patch job. He signed. Some people just didn't appreciate nature or quality workmanship. He wondered if he should stay and talk to the police. He was the person closest to the window, after all. But, he decided against it and headed off down the street. He hadn't really been able to see anything anyway. In a few minutes he was using some of the money he was going to use for lunch as bus fare, and headed on home.