[hider=Rolf Bannian] [hr] [center][color=Purple][h3]Rolf Bannian[/h3][/color] [hr] [Img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/04e992f316d948b62894a878919885d3/tumblr_npe3qdhC0B1qlr9tco1_r1_500.png[/img] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 17 [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Rolf isn't very easy to rouse. He's not easily excited or upset, always in a state of constant mellow contentedness, unless he's out at sea, where he feels even more at peace than usual. Even when excited, Rolf simply will act, and doesn't care much for speaking unless it's important or if someone talks to him first. He's not antisocial, but always seems to be either spaced out or preoccupied. His mind is always racing, and if he's on land he's typically daydreaming of the rolling waves of the endless ocean. It's hard for Rolf to be compassionate or understanding, even with pokemon or people he's known all his life. Unless talking about his findings or giving advice on subjects he knows a thing or two about- fishing, surfing, sailing, and navigation, mostly- he responds curtly and without much hubbub. Despite his perhaps detached attitude, and his habit of not paying attention to the things around him more often than not if he's not on his boat, he loves to be able to assist others, feeling that it gives him some sort of association to others if he's useful or at the very least to ease his troubled conscience. His entire life built up of the moral that actions speak louder than words, Rolf never learned to consult with others before jumping into his next course of action. Perhaps it was both his parents being firefighteres, or perhaps his strong sense of adventure and independence, but he is quick to make impulsive decisions, not feeling guilt until they are underway or long after. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Growing up, Rolf showed a growing interest in learning, though he was distinerested in books and only applied himself to observation. He loved exploring the tide pools near his home town most of all, though he didn't like to fun into any pokemon while he enjoyed nature. He never really had any kind of affinity towards pokemon. Even from a young age, Rolf would avoid petting the pokemon that lived in the houses of so many of his friends and relatives, and he was always grateful his parents kept their pokemon either in their balls or outside in the yard. Rolf found his mom's growlithe and dad's houndour they kept as guard animals charming, but more than anything else they were just tools of the trade. Both of his parents worked for the Udella Town Fire Department, and their fire type canines were useful in carrying out search-and-rescue operations. He would always go on long walks on the beach with them, but was wary of petting them too affectionately or spending too much time around the fire pokemon. When questioned over his strange behavior, Rolf couldn't give a straight answer. Aside from walking around the beach and around town, the child didn't really appear to be interested to do much, instead content with lounging around and living his life to a routine that never changed. He didn't really seem to show extraordinary passion in anything, though he seemed happy enough. That was, everything except sailing. Like some other of the relatively well-off families of beach towns, Rolf's family sometimes chartered a boat to go out to small oceanic excursions. There was something about the sea breeze and the deep blue surrounding him that Rolf loved. Once they had taken him to the ocean for the first time, around age eight, it was all he would talk about. His parents chartered boats so often, he became well-acquainted with most of the sailors, even picking up a few pointers from them here and there. Eventually, he thought he had the gist of maneuvering a ship, but his parents refused to allow him to obtain a licence because of the dangerous hordes of jellicent and frillish that were rumored to make boats disappear if people traveled too far out in flimsy ships. When he was fourteen, Rolf rebelled for the first time by applying for his Boating License exam, and -even worse- passing it. Though he was initially in a lot of trouble, he was otherwise good-natured and well behaved (or, at the very least, disinterested enough in school to not cause any trouble,) so his parents eventually caved and bought him a small skipper boat, on the condition he would always bring a more experienced sailor with him. This was also due to the fact that pokemon were required to be brought on ship, to ward off hostile wild pokemon, but Rolf wasn't all too interested in owning one. Why bother, when other people could take guard duty while he was at the helm? Soon, sailing became his life. He would wake early in the morning and spend entire nights out on the water, never venturing far, but soon strange weather began to wrack all of Unova, including little Undella Town. He was sixteen when, amidst a storm, Rolf and his supervisor were washed up onto a sandbank far north of Unova. There, it was foggy, and accounts differ on what happened. The rain was coming down hard, so maybe it was in his eyes, they said. Maybe you imagined it all, they said. They all agreed that there was a horde of jellicent that crowded around them, ready to drag them all down underwater to the hellish 'castle' of theirs built of sunken ships and decorated with the remains of fallen humans. In the shadow of evening, through a rainstorm and a veil of fog, Rolf saw a large pokemon, looking to be made out of slime, rise from the depths of the ocean. It was upon later reasearch that he learned that the pokemon called Goodra looked a lot like the mysterious creature. It was too dark to make out colors, except for the glowing green of its eyes. In addition, it appeared to be bioluminescent, having illuminated spots along its back and tail. It could have very well could have been a Goodra; but wild goodra or its kin had never been spotted within the premises of Unova. More than that, though, the goodra towered high over them, the size of a skyscraper. Several hundred feet tall at maximum, it stomped and thrashed around their ship, the wake of its havoc pushing them closer, back to Undella Town. From that day, he couldn't stop thinking about what he had seen. Concerned that he would spend days reasearching without sleeping or eating, his parents enlisted him in a program to assist some nearby pokemon researchers who were studying the locale, hoping that it would sate him. It did not. Rolf couldn't help going on his boat, the [i]S.S. Summer Wind[/i], every time there was a storm, if only to recreate the situation on which he first encountered the pokemon. He spent hours floating around the sandbanks, even though there were many dangerous pokemon in the area. He couldn't stop thinking that he had discovered something- be it a new pokemon or simply a strange mutation- and he wanted to find out exactly what. The experience changed a lot about him. No longer were pokemon part of the everyday; there were so many things that he couldn't figure out. He was so sure that all pokemon had been researched and documented, because of the vast information troves that were kept in databases around the world. Yet, even as he searched everywhere, there was no documentation of anything that was close to what he had seen that night. He was interested in pokemon, especially the potential that what he had seen as a potential hybrid of Goodra and something else. To this end, he became much more excited about pokemon, copying experiments he had seen or read about with the local wildlife and even the pokemon he had at home- he had never applied for a trainer's license in Unova, as the trainer life didn't appeal to him since he would be spending a lot of time away from his beloved boat, so he simply kept the pokemon sated with food. He made sure to document his findings, and even uploaded a few of his findings onto his blog, though there wasn't much that he found. Once he turned seventeen, he was out of school and told his parents that he wanted to research pokemon for the rest of his life. Thinking he was being irrational, they asked him to think about joining the Firefighter's Academy, but he remained adamant that he needed some time to chase after his own future. Relenting, they allowed him to leave on the [i]S.S. Summer Wind[/i] with a friend, their plan to sail to Castelia and find jobs there, hopefully being accepted into a university. Rolf was unable to sail his ship alone because he still hadn't ever obtained his Unovan Trainer Card. On the voyage, his partner fell asleep and Rolf saw a large shadow underneath the ship. Risking everything, he followed it, until it led him straight into a storm. Everything went black, until he awoke in a hospital bed. The police told him he wasn't in any trouble, but they found him lying unconscious on the beach without any Fordis identification and worried that he was the victim of a crime. In fact, they hadn't found him with any items at all, and he had been out cold for several days. They were also persistent that there was no trace of any other castaway or any kind of undocumented boat. What happened to his traveleing companion and his ship? What could have been the mysterious shadow that he was chasing? Curious and panicked at his situation, but not wanting to prove his parents right, Rolf decided to find some clean clothes and explore the foreign region- in the town called Estoria City. Besides, maybe starting off as a fresh-faced trainer wouldn't be a bad way to start his life. [b][u]Preferred Starter:[/u][/b] Buizel [hider=Pokemon] Name - Level - Gender - Ability - Moveset [/hider] [hider=Bag] [hider=Items] N/a [/hider] [hider=Medicine] n/a[/hider] [hider=Berries] n/a[/hider] [hider=TMs]N/A[/hider] [hider=Key Items] n/a[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKiNklfjftg[/youtube] [/hider] [/center][/hider] After writing this up I realized 1. I'll never be satisfied with his CS 2. typing when tired should be outlawed tl;dr: Stoic sailor marooned in exotic land.