[center][h1][color=bc8dbf]Leaving Angfort[/color] ~ [i][color=bc8dbf]Ellaryn Bracegirdle[/color][/i][/h1][/center] Trudging along, Ellaryn barely noticed that Vamyr was with her. She followed the bell rings but her her thoughts remained on the inn, the pair reached the belltower and Calariel recieved her horse with thanks. Ellaryn's thoughts were on her past alone on the road, barely any company before arriving at Angfort. Now, just as she had found a fresh start with interesting people that didn't cast her away, her dreams of finding a place to call home...literally...burnt to the ground. Ofnir's words bought her back to the present, she took it and placed it on one finger. though plain, it's pure metal shone to brightly for her liking at this time. The warmth that spread from it as the companions also wore their gifts, it made her think. Perhaps, after all, she was welcome with company. She could maybe think that all of them could very well be the first friends she had in such a long time. In a better mood since the fire, Ellaryn rode with others away from Angfort, she fished about in her bags along the way, eventually finding something and tucking in her belt. At the camp she following Thurin's lead and also gave comfort to Sandy, leaving her with a blanket to keep warm. Even if she thought about it later, she could never remember way she followed Thurin to his place of rest that night. [hider=Reasons thought off, days later] Ellaryn knew her only blanket was given to sandy, could it be in those cold climates that she needed warmth? Calariel, nice as she was though thin. The same went with Aelin, though his songs could keep her entertained. Ofnir and Vamyr were both so tactiturn, that they keep her awake in worry. Thurin though, she could use his beard as a blanket. [/hider] She sat next to the dwarf, not saying anything and took from her belt a small strip of leather. carefully, as Aelin began his soothing music, she cut it into three strips and started weaving them together. Ther was enough for two, she braided the leather and made two oversized rings. She slipped one on her finger, over the the bright metal and covered it. The other tossed over the camp toward Aelin. Ellaryn looked at the dwarf long long and hard, the stare went on before she finally broke it and took at her tent. She was too tired to put it up and just wrapped herself up and lay next to Thurin. "[color=bc8dbf]If you snore once, I have a short sword that will cure it.[/color]" having said her piece in light tones and soon her eyes drifted closed. There wouldn't be any danger with her drawing the blades. She slept far to close to Thurin's side. Only her face remained free and it seemed she left plenty of excess tent canvas for Thurin to use if he needed.