[centre][color=8882be][b][h2]Cinderella[/h2][/b] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/2fc4bad561fdc376dad8bdc9922cc996/tumblr_msl4m6xdda1ridbiho1_500.gif[/img] ~General Information~ Name (Rivenspire - FT World): Cinderella. Other names: Ella, Ellie, Cindy, Little Lady. Occupation (Rivenspire - FT World): She has adopted her fathers businesses, maintaining them. Place Of Origin: Born in the english countryside of Rivenspire, her mother was french, and they spent half a year in the countryside, and half a year in Avonlea. Age: 26. Affiliation (Rivenspire - FT World): Neutral. Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (13 Years Old): [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9c/dd/33/9cdd330e430f2d257210eb24858d5208.jpg[/img] Appearance - Rivenspire (26 Years Old): [img]http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/wp-content/uploads/assets/evanna-lynch-01.jpg[/img] Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire - FT World): Cinderella's wardrobe style is reserved, suitable for a nobleman's daughter. Typically she wears dresses, suited to a lady of noble birth although she actually hates wearing them. She also wears pants suitable for a lady, and long tunics, cut modestly. ~Relationship Information~ Relationship Status: Single. Partner: None at the moment. Father: Auguste tremaine. Mother: Her biological mothers name was Auriella and she passed when Cinderella was 8 Her step mother's name is Christell tremaine. Siblings: Two step sisters, Anastasia and Drizella. Pet/s: None, at the moment. Other: She has a skillful ability to draw. ~Personal Information~ Personality: Cinderella is a strong, independent woman. Having lost her mother at too young an age, Cinerella had learned to be strong, for her fathers sake. She was also use to it being just him and her, having her father spend time with her, and taking her on trips, and duties, and always tried to be on her best behavior. Her father would laugh and call her little lady. She is also a very compassionate and caring individual, wanting others to be happy. When her father married her step mother, Cinderella put on a brave face, but she was worried and a little bit hopeful that she would have a mother, as well as sisters. Even when things seemed bad, she always put on a brave face. She is also very optimistic, seeking to see the good in things and what could happen, rather then dwelling on what was happening. She is quite a bright young woman, intelligent, skillful, diligent strong willed and a bit of a dreamer, Cinderella keeps hope when no one else does. She has an inner strength she seeks when she feels she can't go on, and is quite dedicated to what she does. While she is kind, she doesn't show her softer side to too many people, in order not to be taken advantage of. She only shows that side to those she truly cares about. Strengths: Cinderella's main strength is her ability to see the good in others. She seeks to focus on positives, instead of negatives. Her greatest strength comes from her faith in others, believing in people, especially Gaston, got her through the early aspects of her life. Weaknesses: Cinderella has some trouble with nightmares, due to the treatment she received at the hands of her step mother and sisters. Her inability to talk about it can be crushing for her, and she finds it hard to confide in anyone, except Gaston, but she doesn't want to burden him. Her lack of ability to protect herself is also a weakness she doesn't address, but that could be dangerous to her. Magic Capabilities: Cinderella has no magical capabilities, however she has an extraordinary sense of compassion and empathy. Weapons: Her mind is her weapon. However, she has some skill with a sword. Brief Biography (Life In Rivenspire - FT World): Cinderella was very young when her mother died,only 8 and so she was raised, for the most part, by her father. She was still young, 10 when her father remarried. Cinderella was hopeful that she could finally have a mother figure, as well as two older sisters who could give her some guidance. this wasn't this case. In fact, Cinderella's life drastically changed, and not in a good way. Her step mother insisted her father take her daughters with her when going about his duties, leaving Cinderella at home. And it was barely a year later when her father died, struck down by a sudden illness. Cinderella's life become even worse, as her step mother and sisters began to treat her as little more than a slave. She was treated terribly, forced to do chores and housework, cooking and the more mundane aspects of the household duties, forced to do so and to her step mothers happiness, before she could eat. She was not allow to bath, unless on her step mothers orders, not allowed to go to balls, or indeed out beyond the house grounds. They still visited Avonlea, and Cinderella confided just about everything to Gaston, whom she had met when her mother was still alive on their visits to their place there. He was her only friend, and when he promised he would get her out, she believed him. it was only 2 years before this was the case, Gaston essentially buying her from her step mother, and buying her families home in Avonlea for her. She stills remembers him saying "told you I'd get you out!" Nearly 14, Cinderella took over some of her fathers businesses, maintaining an adequate income to support herself. Brief Biography (Life On Earth): While Cinderella is aware of Earth existence, she has never been to it, and thinks of it as nothing more then a fairy tale. ~Other Information~ ~Theme Song~ [url=https://youtu.be/8BWsrd_aXQA]"Rise Up" by Andra day.[/url] [/color] [/centre]