[center][color=Gold][h1][b][i]~Adam Potts - The Beast~[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/af537c4eb65b3af7c0c9288b9e25c057/tumblr_ngwbf8RZin1rf32dgo1_500.gif[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/f17000a0c0095112893a94fc1956385f/tumblr_muzo8iSSF61rzxujso1_500.gif[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFQYaoiIFh8[/youtube][/center] [center] [color=Gold] [b]Name:[/b] Adam Potts [b]Other Names:[/b] Beast, Prince Adam [b]Real Name:[/b] Adam Le' Gume [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Occupation:[/b] Shamed Prince [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age 16):[/b] [img]http://www.openlettersmonthly.com/issue/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/liam-mcintyre.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age 29 - Beast):[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/8b/43/a48b43226b12fc6717ed22d1d2909481.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Today (Age 29 - Human):[/b] [img]http://www.theplace2.ru/archive/liam_mcIntyre/img/6a00d8341c2ca253ef01-5.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] After coming into contact with his curse, Adam's personality has a sort of split to it. Though he has two forms, Adam is far from being two different people, or having a split personality. He does, however, have a hard time acting human while a beast, and acting beastly while human. While human, Adam comes across as somewhat aloof, choosing to distance himself from others outside of his castle family. By being harshly cast away by his own father, Adam has it set in his mind that no one can truly love him, and therefore has a somewhat grim, gruff exterior that takes a bit of effort to chip away. His adoptive mother, Mrs. Potts, saw to it that Adam had everything he could ever want, trying to make him feel at home, comfortable, and loved to distract him from the thoughts of his past and who he was. This, despite her good intentions, only raised him as being selfish, spoiled and expecting most things done for him rather than doing them himself. When he doesn't get his way, for whatever reason, this tends to bring out his irascible side and is quick to anger and frustrarion, though hardly ever becomes violent. These personality traits are only amplified while in his beast form. He becomes angry, fierce and even merciless very quickly and can become quite abusive with little to no remorse. He seems to have a constant chip on his shoulder, showing that in this form, he becomes extremely touchy if someone even just looks at him the wrong way. It has also been seen that Adam becomes even childish while he is transformed. Impatient, immature and very bitter, Adam simply has practically lost all sense of himself and most times, it feels as though someone else is controlling his actions while he is forced to sit by and watch. There is a constant, between the two forms, however. No matter what state he is in, Adam has a constant feel of loneliness, memories of his past and knowledge of what he is making him feel tortured from the inside and even suicidal. Adam constantly longs to be the man that he was before he was afflicted. He used to be kind, gentle, innocent and even humble. He was raised modestly and with very little worldly things. With Belle, he could even be compassionate, heroic, sensitive, protective and especially romantic - all traits he formed early in hopes to win her heart. These were not traits his father was particularly proud of, however, so Adam had to be careful how much of himself he showed to certain people, but Belle always brought out the best in him. His acts were selfless, always gifting her small, circumstantial things, but they were from the heart and therefore, had more meaning. That boy was a far cry from who he was now, and it kills him. [b]Skills:[/b] Being born and raised a hunter, Adam possesses skills that relate as such. Tracking, bow proficiency, animal preservation, camouflage and so on... However, since his time in Lupinis, these skills have substantially dismissed for their lack of use. Instead, Adam has taken to the life of Equestrianism. His adoptive mother, Mrs. Potts, saw to it that Adam spent a great amount of time on a horse when not tending to the daily "princely" duties of the castle. At the age of sixteen, Adam became thoroughly introduced to the life of horses and everything that a horse is capable of, including what he can do on a horse. Whether it comes to breeds, breeding, horseshoeing, breaking, branding, or riding, Adam knows it. He has even spent a good amount of time roping animals while on a horse, as Mrs. Potts found it good for his image by entering him in a majority of competitions as he grew up. When in his beast form, however, Adam has a completely new set of skills. All of his senses are heightened, including (but not limited to) sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. He even has a "sixth sense" about him when things are about to happen. With his beast form, also comes claws, canines and a significant amount of strength. Though not exactly trained in how to use his temporary body, Adam is a "beastly" force to be reckoned with when it comes to physicality. A lot of his hunter instincts from his childhood come back into play in this form, as he is able to see, smell and track down nearly anything he has a scent on. However his unpredictable nature makes it so that he mainly only does it for himself. [b]Biography (Before Earth):[/b] Born the oldest in a set of twins, Adam was raised immediately into the hunter life by his father, Clayton. He and his brother, Gaston, took it upon themselves to constantly compete with one another in any and all things. Who grew the most over the summer, who could tack a horse the quickest, who was faster, who got the bigger kill, and even, who caught the eye of Princess Isabella first. Princess Isabella was introduced to them at a very early age. Adam first laid eyes on her at a political announcement of some sort (Adam was too young to really care or pay attention) but the Princess was there, quietly standing and doing her part by just being there. Immediately, Adam knew he was in love. His brother seemed to share the same thought, however it wasn't until their father started making trades with King Maurice that the boys realized they might actually have a chance. They spent years competing with one another for her favor, though the three did end up creating close bonds with each other and eventually became best friends. The boys would go hunting, and Isabella would be waiting at the lodge on the day of their return to greet them with open arms and an open ear for their stories. Then, one year, when the boys wereally sixteen, they were out hunting and competing for the largest stag. Gaston's, naturally, was much larger and Adam was desperate to get in a larger kill but they were already heading back into town. Joking with Adam on how Isabella would reward him with a kiss for the larger deer, Adam was then distracted by signs of a deer close by. He dismounted and tracked the animal down, finding the legendary golden stag. The golden stag was a story passed down through generations, warning and all to not harm it, lest a terrible fate become of them. Not one for believing in such stories, Adam attempted to hunt it down, knowing that if he bagged it, not only would he impress Isabella, but King Maurice as well. Gaston strongly advised against it, talking Adam out of killing the golden stag, and Adam was left with the puny deer he had fallen earlier. However he came across a rose bush in the place he had last seen the stag and picked one for Isabella. Little did Adam know, that little act would change his life forever. When they returned, Gaston was tasked to the horses and Adam to their kill. Isabella had been running late that day to greet them, and didn't show up until Gaston was already in the stables. Adam presented the rose to her, expecting nothing more than a hug from the Princess (as per usual) but this time, she kissed him. After a rather surprising intimate moment, Isabella told Adam that she had made her choice of the two brothers, and chose him. Gaston witnessed the event, and in a rage, stormed off, swearing to never forgive his brother for manipulating Isabella into choosing him. Heartbroken for his twin brother, but also wanting to seal his fate with the Princess, Adam went back out into the forest on his own to hunt down the golden stag - he needed something concrete to present to the King before he and Isabella could go public. It took him all night, but Adam found the golden stag. There was a voice in his head, warning him over and over again to leave it alone. Figuring it was just his brothers words in memory, Adam ignored the warning and shother at the stag. Right before the arrow made impact, it dissolved into thin air, and the golden stag took on the form of a beautiful enchantress. Adam tried apologizing, but the Enchantress wanted nothing of it. Instead, she bestowed a curse onto the young man, condemning him to a beastly form whenever the moon cycle matched that nights - a full moon. She explained to Adam that because his greed and arrogance clouded his judgement, he would be cursed until he could soften his heart. He was to find someone he could love, and for them to love him in return. His body changed, hands and feet becoming claws, his teeth sharpening and his skin covered in fur. He was a monster, and for that first night, his thoughts were as such. If asked today what had happened that night, after much probing, Adam would tell of how he awoke in the forest the next morning, his fur covered in blood and his horse bear devoured next to him. Terrified, and still in his beast form, Adam ventured further into the forest where he couldn't hurt anyone else. Six nights later, Adam's body returned to normal, and he begrudgingly returned to Avonlea where he was immediately embraced by his father, who believed him to be dead. With hot, spilling tears, Adam told Clayton what had happened, looking for any amount of comfort, but instead his father'saw hand met with his cheek. Clayton was beyond angry, and cast Adam out of Avonlea. His son was a monster now, an animal... so he gave Adam one days head start before he would hunt him down like one. The last thing Adam saw while he fled his home was one of Isabella's books. Wanting [i]something[/i] of hers, as he couldn't even tell her goodbye, Adam took the book, his father's horse, and left the life he knew behind. Adam travelled for months. He was hungry, cold and weak. Eventually, he just passed out in the snow, ready to die, but a kind old woman found him and took him I'm, choosing to raise him as her own. Mrs. Potts had once been the Queen of Lupinis, but in the last decade or so, she handed over the Kingdom to her son, Chip. She spent her days in the castle helping wherever she could, especially in the kitchen. Even knowing of Adam's secret, she raised him as any other boy. She saw to his education and recreational activities, even spoiling him with gifts to help the hole she knew he had in his heart. And when the moon cycle came, Adam was given a prison cell that was separate from the others below the castle where he would be chained up until the cycle passed. Only a very select few people know about Adam's curse. Not even his adopted brother, Chip, knows where Adam goes for the one week a month. Mrs. Potts has fabricated a story over the years to help Adam's alibi - that he's gone hunting or had a competition in one of the neighboring Kingdoms. During this time, however, Adam is comforted only by his friends, Cogsworth and Lumiere, as they are the only ones brave enough to face him that way. There have been a few times Adam's anger takes over completely and escapes the castle to terrorize the village or smaller surrounding towns. This started an array of rumors and legends across all Kingdoms of the Lupinis Beast. [b]Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Adam has never been to Earth and does not even know of its existence. [b]Other:[/b] Adam has a pet dog named [url=http://images.champdogs.net/breeds/otterhound.jpg]Sultan[/url], and is very rarely from his side. He is also partial to his Arabian horse, [url=http://webzoom.freewebs.com/pennsylvaniaaha/arabian_horse.jpg]Thunder[/url], and uses him as his preferred mount. [/color] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/ezgif-298276395.gif[/img] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/ezgif-1027576971.gif[/img][/center]