[center][color=forestgreen][img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/coollogo_com-61931477.png[/img] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/b20d2feb7776b0bb1f9e2b24739a24df/tumblr_n017x5X9Gl1tqyrsfo1_250.gif[/img] [b]Name (Rivenspire):[/b] Robin Hood. [b]Other Names (Rivenspire):[/b] Lancelot Du Lac. [b]Real Name (Rivenspire): [/b] Philip De' Fortesque. [b]Occupation (Rivenspire): [/b] Self employed; Thief. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Avonlea; Rivenspire. [b]Age:[/b] 24. [b]Affiliation (Rivenspire):[/b] Chaotic Good. [hider]A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.[/hider] [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (11 Years Old):[/b] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bo33D6pIUAAEb1Q.jpg:large[/img] [b]Appearance - Rivenspire (24 Years Old):[/b] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/ac549bfefeaa4777c03f29345070cf6e/tumblr_n2kucyDLND1rsjbaso1_500.png[/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Rivenspire):[/b] [img]https://presentsofthepast.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/aramis.gif[/img] ~Relationship Information~ Relationship Status: Single. Partner: None... for now. Father: King Maurice De' Fortesque (Deceased). Mother: Queen Colette De' Fortesque (Deceased). Siblings: Belle De' Fortesque. Pet/s: Philip has his own grey horse named, Aussigris. Other: Robin is incredibly close to his Merry Men. ~Personal Information~ [b]Personality:[/b] Robin is brave and at times shows lack of care of his own life. This being said he is incredibly protective of those who he deems close to him, even those who are older and are more than capable of protecting themselves. He would gladly throw himself in the way of a bullet and sacrifice himself for anyone he holds dear. These feelings are not unrequited though for those who stand beside him would quickly show him the same courtesy. He is quite intelligent and calculating but he is quick to think on his feet which has gotten him out of many scrapes before. Robin is still young and from that he can be juvenile and despite his brain he sometimes doesn't think before he does. He is fueled by revenge which does, at times, cloud his judgement. Despite the anger inside him, he keeps quite a cool head but is more willing to fight it out verse talk it out. Having been raised to the age of eleven as a noble man's son, some noble mannerisms have stuck with him. Chivalry being one of the major ones. [b]Strengths:[/b] Robin Hood is a master of most all fighting techniques from long ranged, bow and arrow, to close combat with sword or hand to hand. Hood has a soft footed walk, allowing him to easily sneak around without detection. He can pick locks with easy and is an escape artist. Robin is a natural leader has easily convinced men and women much older than himself to follow him. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Robin is a passionate man and often follows his own whims. He is an excellent leader but often struggles to follow which places him in complicated positions with those of authority. He will often do as he believes is right and sees far more grey in the spectrum of good and evil than most. [b]Weapons:[/b] Robin keeps a sword, his bow and arrows, and several daggers on his person at most moments. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] Phillip De' Fortesque was once a nobleman. He once had land to his name and a title before it. However, thirteen years ago, after the death of his parents, he and his older sister, Isabella were placed under the wing of Clayton Le' Gume, a man that Phillip never truly trusted. His intuition proved to be right as the man took the throw, Phillip's rightful place as the heir to the crown of Province.However, he was unaware of how deep the man's betrayal went. After months of finding anyway possible to defy the man, who presented himself like their new father to world and was tyrant in private, Clayton approached him with a truce. Philip would get his own land that he could rule over, so long as he abide by the rules that were laid forth by himself, the King. This wasn't everything that Phillip wanted but it seemed like a compromise. One that allowed Phillip to escape the man. To the feud to rest, Phillip was invited to hunt with the King's party that afternoon but things went unexpectedly. As Phillip rose his arrow to shoot a deer, he felt a splitting pain in his back, causing him to cry out. Reaching behind himself, he felt an arrow's shaft against his fingers. He turned, raising his bow again, taking aim at his assailant. He released his arrow and watched as it sailed passed the King, missing him entirely. That was when a second arrow collided with his chest, sending him backwards. Stumbling, he fell onto his back lodging the first arrow further into his body. He lay there, choking on his own blood as he heard the sound of hooves leaving. On his back, he stared at the clouds, tears sliding down his cheeks. In that moment, he tried to accept his death... However, there was too much for him to do, he was simply too young for this fate. And much to his fortune, this was not his fate. A group of rather jolly men, found the poor bleeding boy and took pity on him. They took him in and nursed his wounds but they never planned for him to live. Merely wished to give him a more comfortable death. However, Phillip fought for his life and against everyone's beliefs survived the brutal attack. It was these men who took the young man, who refused to give them a name, into their fold, naming and teaching him. Phillip desired to better himself in the art of the bow and arrow, so that he might one day seek revenge on the man who had tried to kill him. However, Phillip was not happy living his days in hiding. As him and the merry men, traveled through the woods, they often came upon towns and villages that were in near ruin thanks to the Queen's men or taxes. At the age of 18, Phillip took it upon himself to help the people and looked to the men he was living with for help. It took a bit of convincing, offering to be the one without a horse for a full week or to make their shelter and fire for the next few times they found a place to stop. So the next time the men came, Phillip and the jolly men were ready for them and showed them resistance they had not been expecting. With little fighting, the soldiers retreated and the town celebrated. The celebrations did not last long before the soldiers were back with more men and beat Phillip and the men to a pulp. Seeing Phillip as the leader, they took him into custody as they burned the town leaving the people to burn with it. It was then that Phillip learnt that fighting might not always win. The Royals had armies with more trained soldiers than most any town that they attacked could supply. These people didn't need an army... They needed money. Dragged to some outpost, they tied Phillip to a chair and beat him brutally, trying to beat him into some kind of submission. However, when they finally let the boy be, he threw himself out of his chair and slowly dragged himself across the ground until he reached a table with many blades laid out on it. Struggling to his feet slightly, Phillip turned and grabbed one of the knives and cut into the ropes that held him captive. Once free, the boy had every intention to escape but thought back to his revelation hours prior. With a grin on his face, he quietly snuck around the room, grabbing a bag and stuffing anything that looked to have some kind of value into it. Growing rather cocky, he did not leave with his bag full of treasure just yet. He slipped out into the hall and began to steal the bounty of riches that the outpost held. When his bag became so heavy that he feared he would not be able to carry it back to the village, he snuck into one last room where he found a beautiful bow and quiver. Smiling, he gathered them both onto his back and ran to the window to look below at what the fall held for him. Grinning as he found the stables and a kind pile of hay, he tossed his bag down before him and climbed into the window when he heard a man yell, "Hold, villain." In quick movement, Phillip removed an arrow from his new quiver and notched it before he turned, pointing the weapon at the man who stood at the other end of the room, brandishing a sword. Phillip smiled, "The Sheriff of Nottingham, I presume," he said as he pointed with his arrow head to the man's rich attire, "Sir, have you any pocket change for a lowly serf?" "I will give you nothing!" The Sheriff yelled back before he advanced forward. Phillip pulled the string on his bow back a little further, "Ah, ah, how much time do you think it will take me to put this arrow between your eyebrows? Enough time for you to stop me? I think not." The Sheriff growled before unhooking his coin purse from his belt and tossing it to Phillip. The boy released the arrow into the Sheriff's sword arm's shoulder before catching the bag. The man howled, "Who are you?" Phillip laughed... The nobleman he had once been was long dead. That boy was assumed dead by the entire world, "Robin Hood," He said simply, taking the name the merry men had given to him years ago, before he jumped out the window into the hay below and gathered his bag before taking a horse and racing off with his riches. When he returned to the town, he found it to be in better conditions than he had expected. The people had managed somehow to put out the fire and were doing their best to fix the damages that had been done. The happy men ran to surround Phillip's horse when he returned. Phillip smiled to them, battered and bloodied as he was, "What... You didn't actually expect me to walk while you rode," He joked before he rose his bag into the air, "I bring riches from the kind Sheriff of Nottingham for the people." He tossed it in front of himself, allowing the silver and gold to spill out, "May that cover your taxes." It was from that day on that Phillip forgot about the boy he had once been and became Robin Hood, the thief who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6b/25/e4/6b25e4c2eb27c39fc48e37d5ed9c53a3.jpg[/img] [/color][/center]