[b]Fon[/b] During his earlier and more vulnerable years as a teacher, Fon had learned to appreciate the presence of inquisitive students. While what was offered here was less of a turn out than he'd have liked, fortunately the ones who did ask seemed to have asked most of the important ones. Even Yoshi had said something, which was good - an interest in acquiring knowledge was important for a boss. [color=red]"The arrival of the scouts was an unanticipated event, but something we had accounted for considering our group. Between two who can comfortably defeat them and two supervisors, we felt it was an acceptable risk,"[/color] Fon answered, [color=red]"As for your sister, she should still be safe. They know for sure only you are here, but if they come for her, as Vongola mafiosi Shiso and I will be able to transfer your sister to a safer location beforehand."[/color] Though he had answered earnestly so far, he remained silent regarding the final question. [b]Meanwhile, with the Final Mosca[/b] You know the drill at this point. [b]Back to Fon[/b] The miniature monk waited patiently until Yoshiaki had calmed down. Of all his personality traits, the young man's tempestuousness was both the most troublesome, and the one he was most well-suited to remedy. [color=red]"As for your questions, Yoshiaki-kun. The Mosca are robotic combatants employed by mafia across the world. The ones you encountered are scouts, not warriors. Their duty is to spy, or engage and asses,"[/color] he paused in thought, [color=red]"In fact I would be little surprised to learn that the Vongola are gathering right now to discuss the events that had just occured."[/color] He thrust a hotdog stick into Yoshi's hands, like he was mentally preparing him for his next answer. [color=red]"If you are that troubled by the prospect of possibly dying, I do not believe you would enjoy hearing the fact that you actually did,"[/color] Fon commented nonchalantly, as if he had said something not completely absurd, [color=red]"You got better, fortunately. What you took was a Dying Will Pill - it improves your physical abilities...with the unfortunate caveat of burning off all of your clothing and inciting temporary death - though that death becomes less temporary should you not possess a proper motive."[/color] He turned to Shiso and made a request of her to chase down the two who'd gone out to look for everyone else. [color=red]"Now, seeing as everyone seems to be content with their current knowledge, feel free to head to bed as you will,"[/color] Fon informed, turning back to the group, [color=red]"Tomorrow we will see about beginning your training."[/color] [b]Later, Elsewhere[/b] The light of the midsummer afternoon shone through the window of a study in an old manor, casting the room in a warm light. A young girl with ashen hair stood before a vast desk, at which sat a brown-haired man, staring deep in thought. [color=8493ca]"That is all the information the scouts have acquired. What is your assessment?"[/color] asked the girl, and with narrowed his eyes, the brown-haired man at the desk lifted his intent stare from a troubling sight. [color=f7941d]"...Does this hair look grey to you?"[/color] he asked, bringing the strand of hair closer to his face. The girl was struck silent, but didn't seem particularly surprised at the fact her warning had been ignored. [color=8493ca]"The pigmentation of your hair is not the pressing issue, sir."[/color] He tossed the hair to the side, [color=f7941d]"Of course it is! I'm not getting any younger you know. Gah... My stomach's aching just thinking about it."[/color] [color=8493ca]"...At any rate, the Foundation advises more concern over the issue of an Arcobaleno, a wanted mafiosi and their unknown cohorts with access to Dying Will Mode. We advise swift response - both to apprehend the criminal Sachiko Kanno, and to bring the Arcobaleno Fon and his associates in for questioning. Need I remind you that Namimori is still under our protection, even with your refusal to properly update its defenses."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Hey, hey, reputation's a powerful deterrent,"[/color] the man leaned back in his seat, arms raised in defense, [color=f7941d]"Besides, on the bright side we can finally get those Mosca upgrades you've all been rallying for."[/color] [color=8493ca]"That is beside the point. How will we deal with the opposition in Namimori?"[/color] she said coldly and humorlessly. [color=f7941d]"Right, right... Well here's an idea: how about let's [i]not[/i] bother one of the seven most powerful people on the planet. I mean, isn't it aa [i]little[/i] bit O-T-T to go after one of our better allies when we're the ones who started it?"[/color] he pointed out, nesting his hands lazily behind his head, [color=f7941d]"'Sides I'm sure they're together for a good, innocent-little reason we've misinterpreted, and it's not as if just any of our squads will be able to take him in by force anyway; hurting those kids'll probably just piss him off."[/color] [color=8493ca]"A lack of response shows that we are unable or unwilling to protect our territories. You of all people should know we cannot afford to show too much weakness. If other families find o-"[/color] [color=f7941d]"[i]If[/i] it gets out being the operative word."[/color] The boss grinned cheekily, instigating a brief pause as both mafiosi stared each other down. [color=8493ca]"Even a token response is advisable, but ultimately it is your choice,"[/color] she concluded, plunging the study into silence, [color=8493ca]"I ask again: what is your decision? The Foundation requires a report."[/color] He leaned forward and pointed. [color=f7941d]"Tell your superior that..."[/color] He lowered his finger, overturned his hand, and rested his chin on his palm, [color=f7941d]"Uhh..."[/color] After a moment of deliberation and a deep inhalation, the Vongola XII gave his solemn adjudication. [color=f7941d]"I'll just... give him call and ask nicely...?"[/color] he shrugged, [color=f7941d]"Don't worry about it. I've got it covered."[/color] [color=8493ca]"Very well."[/color] And with that, he was left alone with his papers, his aching stomach, and his maybe-greying hair. Once he waited and made sure that the Foundation girl had left the vicinity, he reached into his suit, retrieved a communicator and brought it up to his grimly smiling face. [color=f7941d]"Shiso,"[/color] he said, [color=f7941d]"I'm not sure how long I can stall it, but there's been a change in plans."[/color] [center][b]Target 1 - Camping Arc: Complete[/b][/center]