[b][center][h2][color=violet]C O M P E N D I U M[/color][/h2][/center][/b] [color=violet][sub][ ♚ ] T H E N O R T H[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][b][u]The Province of The Blackwater Vale[/u][/b] Separated by the Silverfish Rush, a large bundle of river forks trailing out of the large bay, the people of the western northlands vary vastly to their cousins east of the rush. In the mountainous vale in the west the people who inhabit it are known as the [b][i]tromani[/i][/b]; a noble group of people that moved northbound of their lowland fields and lush forests in search for adventure. [url=http://cdn.wall-pix.net/albums/art-3dview/00028531.jpg]The Kingdom of Ironthorn[/url] [b][url=http://pre10.deviantart.net/c8d3/th/pre/f/2014/168/0/2/fantasy_castle_by_jbrown67-d7mu200.jpg]The Kingdom of Northwatch[/url][/b] [url=http://narniafans.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/caspian_prm_mirazcastle_l.jpg]The Kingdom of Skyhaven[/url] [b][u]The Province of The Aladori Highlands[/u][/b] Separated by the Silverfish Rush, a large bundle of river forks trailing out of the large bay, the people of the eastern northlands vary vastly to their cousins west of the rush. In the mountainous vale in the east the people who inhabit it are known as the [b][i]aladori[/i][/b]; a paranoid sort of fishermen and hunters that survived the dangerous wildlife and rocky environment they were born into despite their smaller size. An environment that would make them master what was around them or become another people devoured to monsters. In the earliest years of their survival, the aladori were fairly well-united despite their lack of complete trust for one another as they believed each individual was out for themselves over sincerely [i]wanting[/i] to fight against the beasts of the wilds united with a helping hand. The aladori bonded together out of a [i]need[/i] to not because of some misguided idealistic wish, but given what they were up against it benefited them well. After petty kingdoms sprouted up on the rocky hills and skittering monster-infested woodlands, the aladori returned to distrusting each other though oftentimes came to agreements where they would work together to take down enclaves of monsters that were usually cemented by marriage agreements. The people themselves would become great blacksmiths as they learned how to forge and craft from the Steham who lived in cave-built thaigs. In addition to hunting and fishing it seemed like their calling. Similar to the zkreli’s rangers, the aladori wardens gained a reputation to being hardened trackers, archers, swordsmen, hunters, and warriors in their own right. In fact, it is said that only an elf is better with a bow than an aladori. [b][url=http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/a6302acb-581d-4afa-831b-87ad9f00a1dc/9182e449-5072-4dad-bf2f-986987b1db7a.jpg]The Kingdom of Aladore[/url][/b] [url=http://sf.co.ua/13/03/wallpaper-382325.jpg]The Kingdom of Darkthrone[/url] [url=http://zellox.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/fantasy-landscape-hd-wallpapers-9-1136x640.jpg]The Kingdom of Karadore[/url] [/color][/indent] [color=violet][sub][ ♚ ] T H E W E S T[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][b][u]The Province of The Tromani Lowlands[/u][/b] Along the stretch of lowland forests, rivers, fields, and hills in the western expanse lies the people known as the [b][i]tromani[/i][/b]; a noble people who have always done the best they could by each other. Not as aggressive or tall as their zkreli cousins, the tromani unified under acts of diplomatic and just authorities— years even before Gaea’s intervention to unify humankind did the tromani unite under several great houses and petty kingdoms as they worked together to lead their people proudly and honorably. Perhaps at the center of the ethnic group was the resilience of their hopeful and adventurous idealism. Settled in rolling hills, soft woodlands, and defensible islands the tromani fought well against fringe orcs and goblins that sailed from their peninsula as well as the great beasts and monsters that inhabited their river-entrenched lowlands. To many, the tromani are humanity at their best and brightest albeit most naïve. Outside of the four petty kingdoms of Grameria, Iscarion, Kalcia, Vespira, and Tromania other tromani ventured north into the Blackwater Vale. Those who did not protect the smallfolk against fringe threats, there were others who were explorers and adventurers— braving wild forests, rough valleys, and old ruins. This adventurous spirit brought a great bounty as the tromani expanded and became the central breadbasket in the west as long stretches of agricultural development that in time would rival those in the east. With the honor of these houses, unrest was rare and focus on protection and idyllic prosperity would be the state of affairs. Not even the cases of disease spread during occasional summer droughts and infestation by insects has not brought the tromani to ruin for they always stick together and have faith going forward. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/47/57/66/4757662de2d619a4f541dda1dab0096b.jpg]The Kingdom of Grameria[/url] [url=http://orig08.deviantart.net/e14f/f/2012/227/3/3/city_of_azeria_by_gamefan84-d5b5wfu.jpg]The Kingdom of Iscarion[/url] [url=http://img.cinemablend.com/cb/e/8/7/e/a/5/e87ea59b6b85b24cf854f7c61fa4334bf3566a42d3d9c9baf6e46cf38a4ca370.jpg]The Kingdom of Kalcia[/url] [b][url=http://img02.deviantart.net/b0cb/i/2015/114/2/a/castle_town_banner_by_tyleredlinart-d5di9zc.jpg]The Kingdom of Tromania[/url][/b] [url=http://img09.deviantart.net/d1d5/i/2014/311/c/5/fantasy_city_by_britneypringle-d85kpn2.jpg]The Kingdom of Vespira[/url] [b][u]The Province of Zokgrokral / Zkrelia[/u][/b] Leading into the marsh-infested woodland peninsula of Zokgrokral lies the ethnic people known as the [i][b]zkreli[/b][/i]; originally wandering nomads along the southern hills and woodlands, the culture was eventually unified under two petty kingdoms— Minhyriath and Lothloryen. Settled in rocky stretches overseeing the woodland swamps that were home to goblins, orcs, wargs, ogres, and similar creatures it soon become clear that the warlike culture of the zkreli would not be changed by adopting feudalism as they found themselves fighting dangerous foes and giant monsters alike; The hunters of “zkrelia” became rangers, the warriors became reavers, and their warlords became nobility. A popular expression from the humans of this region is “bring a full quiver” which roughly translates to “always be prepared for a fight”. As it is so, the people of these provinces are different than their cousins in the north and east— a fact evident by their pragmatic and warlike perspective that has molded into all depths of their culture. A lord of Lothloryen and Minhyriath have no understanding of people listening to their betters because they are lord due to the fact of the belief that if a lord has no experience in battle they could never understand their people and are nothing better than a milksop. Said people are believed to be [i]weak[/i] and disposable. [url=http://wallpaperbeta.com/wallpaper/art_castle_landscape_fortress_stones_man_hd-wallpaper-388942.jpg]The Kingdom of Lothloryen[/url] [b][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7c/bd/4e/7cbd4e4209fc9781cd0efbe2dc6f200c.jpg]The Kingdom of Minhyriath[/url][/b] [/color][/indent] [color=violet][sub][ ♚ ] T H E E A S T[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][b][u]The Province of The Steelpines[/u][/b] Text Here. [b][url=http://img02.deviantart.net/39f4/i/2016/179/e/c/way_to_the_distant_castle_by_arenirart-da7ycgo.jpg]The Kingdom of Lanelia[/url][/b] [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/3f841a4f97b2bf184b36cbf49cbd02d7/tumblr_nnj47vXwXn1tv3g49o1_500.jpg]The Kingdom of Sikth[/url] [b][u]The Province of Goldheart Peninsula[/u][/b] Along the gentle coastline of the Goldheart Peninsula lies the homeland of the [b][i]forloni[/i][/b]; an industrious people who have expanded their realm through tact and brilliance. It is often said that while the tromani expand farther due to their sense of adventure, the true wisdom of utilizing the land and advancing humanity comes from the forloni— a suggestion that is often difficult to debate. Outside of the Imperial Heartlands, it has been the nations of forloni descent that have been at the forefront of the advancement of finance, ships, culture, medicine, agriculture, and alchemy. For it was Forlonia that invented the wine press, the treadwheel crane, oil paint, the astronomical compass, spectacles, and even the construction of the first academy of education in Forlonia in The Guild of Sages. Perhaps this in short is why many forloni nobles have a high opinion of themselves and exude traits of selfishness, pride, greed, and pretension; for in their mind who is right to correct them when the majority of human advancement has been the product of forloni genius? But yes, although arrogant the sentiment is not misplaced as forloni inventors (as well as aladori ones, but they won’t admit it) brought on a variety of advancements that changed the world. But given it was a forloni who discovered “human magic” the arrogance has little argument against it. However, such arrogance fuels itself into many forloni nobles minds as they treat their people as nothing more as accessories to their existence often forgetting that they descended from herbalists, sailors, and architects. Nobility was [i]forged[/i] for the forloni and they have in many forms lost their way; but with coin and achievement comes hubris and hubris leads to sin. [b][url=http://www.cgsociety.org/cgsarchive/newgallerycrits/g52/403752/403752_1282472189_large.jpg]The Kingdom of Forlonia[/url][/b] [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/0/0a/Redcliffe_concept_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120702013327]The Kingdom of Imperia[/url] [url=http://img0.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/full/The-Witcher-3-Wild-Hunt-The-Witcher-%25D0%2598%25D0%25B3%25D1%2580%25D1%258B-concept-art-1741108.jpeg]The Kingdom of Ralneria[/url] [url=http://www.mmoreviews.com/imgs/MLrw2.jpg]The Kingdom of Xahlria[/url] [/color][/indent] [color=violet][sub][ ♚ ] T H E S O U T H[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][b][u]The Province of the Imperial Heartlands[/u][/b] Text Here. [b][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8f/09/18/8f0918d58c6a0ee35afb4f963fa4164f.jpg]The Imperial Heartlands[/url][/b] [b][u]The Province of The Three Sands[/u][/b] Leading into the sprawling desert known as The Three Sands lies the ethnic people known as the [b][i]phoeni[/i][/b], though they are accompanied by non-migrant [b][i]hulevi[/i][/b] whom had not ventured out of the desert and into the Imperial Heartlands like their cousins. Both ethnic groups share a similar cultural upbringing as they were born of the searing heat, relying on oasis locales and tropical coastlines for subsistence. The majority of their beginnings were as traders, jewelcrafts, and smiths; a group of people that didn’t become a paramount importance to those not from the desert when they uncovered large troves of silver and gold in their mountains as well as the southern Steham who occupied these sandstone hills and decided to trade extensively with the tan and dark-skinned humans. It is even said the these steham would go on to help the humans construct their sandstone castles, becoming somewhat of friends to them despite their different values. The virtues that would define the two ethnic groups would be tenacity, resilience, and honor— surviving the monsters of the desert would be hard enough without a unified and honorable people to dare challenge them. [url=http://orig09.deviantart.net/0fc1/f/2012/226/7/f/7f720cbede625085e7ccd46503c944aa-d5b1ubs.jpg]The Kingdom of Faeron[/url] [url=http://pre15.deviantart.net/d61d/th/pre/i/2014/295/6/b/city_in_the_desert_by_marktarrisse-d83qxoo.jpg]The Kingdom of Ohanior[/url] [b] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/21/74/4f/21744f3ce398b06af3e8549ef6438c32.jpg]The Kingdom of Olthonis[/url][/b] [b] [url=http://paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderCampaignSetting/PZO9263-Solku.jpg]The Kingdom of Phoenis[/url][/b] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dd/0b/6c/dd0b6c22cd1cd754a885e0d2666a48ce.jpg]The Kingdom of Riyahi[/url] [/color][/indent]