[b][center][h2][color=violet]Q & A[/color][/h2][/center][/b] [color=violet][sub][ ♚ ] R A C E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75][b]Q:[/b] What races persist in the setting outside of humans? [b]A:[/b] If we are referring to those only on the central continent of Humas, I’d say that is a pretty simple question to answer— in addition to immigrated elves, the continent is populated by a variety of monsters, beasts, and creatures. The most sentient of this being the steham (dwarves), orcs, goblins, ogres, wargs, gnolls, bugbear, and gremlins. The orcs are nomadic but have their central population densely located in the peninsula called Zokgrokral which is located in a heavily forested area with swamp-like features around rough towering mountainous cliffsides. The steham live in thaigs, four of which are located in each corner of the continent with each having its own distinctive personality. [b]Q:[/b] Is there anything on eye color between the ethnic groups? Or is that just whatever? [b]A:[/b] I think I generally made that more optionable to allow people more choices since I was a bit more limited upon hair color. Humans can have greens, grays, blues, browns, hazels, and gold eyes depending on their gene pool. I would personally stay away from pinks, reds, purples, and silver as those are unique to some of my more “fae” races.[/color][/indent] [color=violet][sub][ ♚ ] S E T T I N G[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75] [b]Q:[/b] How does the seasonal calendar work? [b]A:[/b] The idea is the world shifts in cycles, not too different than our world. However no contemporary calendar-based system has been formed so we have the four seasons (spring, summer, harvest, winter) but no system of monthly dating. Thus it is settled by intervals of how long the seasons last, generally in sequence of a quarter. For example, December 4th would equate to the fourth day within the first quarter of the season. I don’t expect us to date stuff too often. [b]Q:[/b] Who is Emperor? [b]A:[/b] Currently nobody fills the seat of Patriarch/Matriarch following Patriarch Theodoric IV’s untimely death. The Regency Council controls the government until a succession election is called for. The current bids for the throne include Princess Anareliea (16, Theodoric’s daughter), Keeper Thalina (39, Theodoric’s only sister), Lord Altair (34, Theodoric’s eldest brother), Lord Dhaeric (32, Theodoric’s oldermiddle brother), Lord Yevan (26, Theodoric’s younger middle brother), and Lord Jaias (19, Theodoric’s youngest brother). [b]Q:[/b] How do duels/challenges of honor work? [b]A:[/b] In the case of a duel a student would likely need a supervising instructor to oversee the duel and to see both parties agree to the terms of a duel. A duel at The Conclave is seen as a huge deal and generally the majority of the populace attends the duel as spectators. Their weapon of choice is assured is as non-lethal as possible unless distinctly refused. There are several forms of duels in the realm based completely on conditions of the challenge and the level of dishonor. Friendly-based duels tend to be upon a point system using blunted weapons, rivalry-based duels tend to be upon first blood using normal weapons, and nemesis-based duels tend to be upon death or surrender using any weapon. Additional conditions may be decided before the duel begins and an arbiter is always required. [b]Q:[/b] What are the naming conventions? [b]A:[/b] This one is a bit more complicated, so defer to the hider below: [hider=Hider][b]Aladori:[/b] Rhelissa, Jhavek, Kalora, Diana, Zain, Roamin, Teresi, Kelas, Nandel, Kaitlyn, and Torvic. [b]Forloni:[/b] Aldous, Tiberius, Cornelius, Ambeon, Jaycen, Alford, Sirenia, Geralt, Percival, Celana, Laelis, and Iaius. [b]Hulevi:[/b] Caim, Auric, Sael, Davos, Canaan, Gon, Ieian, Raxia, Theodoric, Jaias, Ulan, and Anareliea. [b]Phoeni:[/b] Eveima, Reina, Anora, Thaal, Salumin, Luda, Aludin, Eryah, Sachar, Jafar, Jaimes, Iyle, and Gianna. [b]Tromani:[/b] Alexia, William, Pythia, Ydrian, Kara, Wynan, Orland, Riaon, Uther, Aleandra, Ilayna, Randal, Vaylin, Oriana, and Karn. [b]Zkreli:[/b] Edawin, Andor, Harlik, Edaela, Riaon, Krathon, Ivarn, Gurnor, Tyron, Freya, Rorik, Marald, Ararik, Skorm, Ingrid, Brarnir, Baern, Styrn, Thonar, Lothar, Tarja, and Thoromir. [/hider] [/color][/indent]