There came a subtle rumble from the leviathan creature's jaws as it appeared to look over the three, aware that there was more to this than it appeared and that the youth was doing her best to detract from it; her body spoke volumes in its demeanor, a language one could not easily hide without great care in doing so and even then only for a time. All mortals had means to tell their tales, but more than anything the scent of their unease or often outright fear betrayed them. But for all of this the grand animal form did not worry itself too much about the girl before it and her expertly crafted earthen guardian; in fact, its beguiling stare drew away for a moment, allowing its blind companion to continue speaking - its body as relaxed as before. It at last decided to intervene, its celestial voice - deep and reverberating - moving the aura of distrust away as best it could manage. [i]"You need not be afraid, small one."[/i] The wild paragon began, looking to the blind Sabriye first while addressing Ein, [i]"Fate would seem to have it that you met us in our pursuit of the shadow."[/i] The dimly lit golden eyes washed over the youth as it stood before her, head pulled slightly at an angle and its splendid fangs of pearly ivory revealed even fuller until it finished its words. Whatever voice the girl of Ein truly heard it in, the outsider knew well that she would quickly realize, if she had not already, what the beast actually was; some thing of another world and time altogether - ancient and primal beyond reason. It was not angelic, not a being of the great heavens, but something vaguely similar in its otherworldly quality; the words themselves rang almost mentally as it was. [i]"There will be time for inquiries, but for now, where do you foresee yourself off to?"[/i] It said, knowing she was hasty before. [i]"You seem troubled, fatigued and stained by your travels."[/i] [@Ojo chan 42][@Mr Rage]