Al pushed back his sweaty hair and gave the twins one last lingering kiss each before getting dressed. He grinned as they pouted but he just waved and let himself out the door. They had been a nice midnight snack but he had other fish to fry right now. He still had to do some research on his little virgin girl before he corrupted her fully. When he had gotten back from the summon by the witch bitch, he had played with her a bit but reconsidered his plan and walked her home and gave her an almost chaste kiss goodbye before leaving her with his number. He planned to stretch things out a bit before he deflowered her and then left her brokenhearted. Sometimes it was all about the foreplay after all. He walked out of the girls dorm and gave a salute to the security guard who nodded with a "Night, Al." It paid to be a demon sometimes. All he had done to get the guard under his thumb was grant him one little wish and now he could come and go from the dorms whenever he pleased. Poor sucker did not even realize that he had sold his soul until after it but since he had been agnostic he hadn't seemed to care. [color=purple] He just wanted someone to love. Good thing I had a connection with a succubus that wanted a steady meal without having to work too hard for it. The guy gets laid and has his so called true love and she gets a place to stay on earth with an all you can eat buffet. I love it when things work out like that. Plus, now I don't owe her a favor anymore. All in all one of my better deals. [/color] Picking up his pace once he was outside, he noticed that it was starting to get light outside. He stretched and felt the muscles in his back pop and sighed. Meat suits were so strange with all their quirks and such. One wrong twist or pull and they could be shattered so easily. It was awesome. However, he was fond of this one so he tried not to overuse it and keep it in relatively good shape as well. True, if the person it had been before had not been an athletic and handsome bastard he would not have even have this much to work with. Al was sure not about to possess just anyone if he had his choice. Shaking his head at his thoughts, he looked up and saw that he was almost to his usual coffee shop. They were just opening up and he was feeling the need for some caffeine and mischief anyways. A sudden chill alerted him that another demon was nearby and he looked up to see that a teenage boy across the street was staring at him. He turned and flashed his eyes at the whelp and saw him blanch as he realized just who he had been sizing up. [color=red] "That's right kid. Fuck right off back to where you came from. This is my turf and my playground. Unless you want to be sent to hell the hard way find another place to be now.' [/color] he said just loud enough for the other demon to hear him and was gratified when the kid turned and ran off in the other direction. Grinning at his success and because it had just plain been fun, Al walked through the door to the coffee shop and took his usual seat. He nodded to the waitress who brought him his usual and sat it down with an extra muffin and a wink. He winked back and lent back in his chair to see just who would walk through the door and be the first one to get to play with him today. An older couple came in but that was too easy. A yuppie corporate type was next but once again that was not even worth his time. However, the third group that came in the door made him sit up and take notice. It was a young couple that seemed like newlyweds. [color=purple] Perfect. Let me in your heads my pets and let me sow some discord in your love. [/color] He had just touched the man's mind when he felt a surge of energy being drained from him and he was pushed out. He almost dropped his coffee it had been so sudden. [color=red] "What the fuck was that? Don't tell me the witch knows about the binding sort of working and is using me as a damn battery to recharge herself. I think I need to move her to the top of my list of things to take care of after all." [/color] he muttered to himself and took a sip to calm down. He watched as the couple left the store but his mind was no longer on them but instead on the witch from last night. As if his thoughts had conjured her, he heard the bell above the door chime and in walked the bitch herself. He clenched his fist when he saw her and was going to stand up but she was with another girl and did not seem to know he was there. He gave her a puzzled look and then watched as they took a seat nearby. She glanced up and caught his eye and he smiled but she looked away after seconds. [color=purple] Does she not know who I am or what she did? I guess it would be hard for her to know me after all since she saw my true form and not this meat suit but still. Maybe I will just watch her a bit and maybe follow her back home. After all, if she does not know what happened I do not want to bring it to her attention. Yes, that will do. I will watch and bide my time as I learn more about her until I can find a way to break the binding completely. [/color] He pinched off a bit of muffin and chewed it thoughtfully as he continued to stare at the witch and her friend. He could be patient when he had to be although it surely was not one of his virtues, if he had any at all what with virtue being so overrated and all.