Link didn’t like how much hanging around they were all doing, they really needed to get out of there as quickly as possible and to the Princess before they were seen as too suspicious. They probably already looked rather suspicious, what with their hanging around. Even though they were with Regol it was probably weird to have a couple of guards follow him so closely to random spots. There wasn’t much out there thankfully, but there was definitely the feeling that they would soon run into trouble if they didn’t get their plans together. Looking to Caelan as he hoped he had a plan he frowned before looking around, trying to be casual about it. “I know that…I just hope it’s all ready so we don’t end up stumbling around…” He really wasn’t cut out for this sneak work, but it wasn’t as if he had many abilities he could use if there was ever danger. He was concerned by how little he could do without his magic, but of course it wasn’t as if he was particularly skilled in the first place. Too much he had learned without any sort of teacher giving him lessons, all of it more or less done without any prior knowledge that he would be fighting for his life at some point. Right now he was the least skilled in the group by far and probably the one who was likely to cause a problem. He didn’t even know if he could climb up using a rope, he wasn’t strong anymore without his shadow magic. Walking with Regol and Caelan he looked to Caelan as he went through the supplies to bring out what they needed, looking him up and down before up at the walls of the castle. This was going to be just great, but he had to at least try. Frowning as Caelan went over the plan and how much they had to climb, slowly phasing out as he continued to make it sound incredibly hard. He wasn’t a treasure hunter like this guy, nor was he a guy who could move shadows like Regol. “Are you serious…?” he frowned, looking up again before to the hookshot as it was handed out to Regol, “…I thought maybe one level at most…” He may have blacksmith fingers but he didn’t have the strength to hold his own weight. All he could think of was how much effort he was going to have to put into this, but he didn’t know how well he was realistically going to do. "I really don't know if I can manage four floors..."