[hr][hr][center][color=#9999ff][h1]Aravis Tarkheena[/h1][/color][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbwo224mS41ruekjd.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Seattle, Earth Interacting With: Weirded out passerby, Lucy[/center][hr][hr]Arava raised an eyebrow, as someone stepped onto the bus. Despite the only seat open being next to her, and a dozen people already standing, they neglected to sit next to her. Perhaps, it was because of what she was [url=https://armstreet.com/catalogue/full/medieval-woolen-dress-green-sleeves-2.jpg]wearing[/url]. The outfit happened to be one of her favorite dresses required for work, and since she'd have to change back into anyways for an event that evening, she saw no reason in taking it off. Made of comfortable fabric, it actually breathed, unlike some of the more ridiculous things she had to wear. If Arava hated any part of her job, it was when she had to portray a queen. It took about five people to get her into the queen's dress, and at least a dozen to get her out of it. [color=9999ff]"Problem?"[/color] Arava asked simply, staring down the frightened newcomer. He shook his head, and Arava laughed a bit, her hard shell diminishing rapidly. [color=9999ff]"I work at Medieval Life, yeah?"[/color] she explained, reassuring him that she was, in fact, not a crazy person who believed herself to be from another land. The doors open, and Arava got up, her dress sweeping slightly as she made her way to the middle of the bus, and departed. She'd met Lucy a few months ago, when the spirited blonde had come to Medieval Life, looking for inspiration for her fantasy series. The girl definitely amused Arava, and she couldn't deny, she enjoyed spending time with her. Before meeting Lucy, Arava would have spent her few off hours in the tiny tent like shack she lived in. Approaching the apartment building, she walked inside, waving a bit at the lone guard. They never needed to ID her anymore. Hardly any other person of Indian descent in Seattle walked around in Medieval robes all of the time. Climbing the stairs two at a time, she made her way to Lucy's apartment, and knocked on the door incessantly. [color=9999ff]"Lu! Open up!"[/color] Arava shouted, pulling her phone out from its hiding place: her bra. Medieval gowns weren't always made with phones in mind. [color=9999ff]"Open up for the love of Asland or whatever that character's called!"[/color] Arava added. She grinned, remembering more about her first meeting with Lucy. The girl was a promising artist, obsessed with this fictional world of her own creation. On occasion, Arava would lend Lucy some of her dresses, and pose for her drawings. Being another kid who grew up in the foster system, Arava didn't question the obsession with the fantasy kingdom. Everyone had to have something to keep themselves going. [hr][hr][center][color=#00cc00][h1]Edmund Pevensie[/h1][/color][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/e4509c1b8c6115436f789080ba32adee/tumblr_nxdx24gjJB1rm8sy6o1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Camelot Interacting With: Himself[/center][hr][hr]Edmund groaned a bit, stooped over a book. His neck had begun to stiffen, yet he continued to press on, having lost all sense of time. Having dug the book out of his meager possessions last night, Edmund had sat himself down to search once more for an answer. The pages spoke of all Narnian history, yet nothing within their depths stood out to him. Nothing explained how to bring back his sister, Susan, or to locate his other siblings. [color=00cc00]"What I wouldn't give for your horn, Su..."[/color] Edmund sighed. Tearing himself away from the book, he slugged down a bit of water, and approached the small window in his room. The sun shone in his eyes, and he squinted, blowing out the candle he had on his small desk. With a bit of a sigh, Edmund resigned himself to the fact that today wouldn't be the day he'd find an answer. Upon first arriving at Camelot, Edmund had spent hours upon hours pouring over that book. And when he wasn't doing that, he was shouting his siblings' names and Aslan's name from every spot he could find. He'd gone a bit mad with guilt. If he hadn't lied to his siblings about going into Narnia, if he hadn't believed the White Witch, then Susan wouldn't have been dead. They would have won the fight and fulfilled the prophecy. Rather than being in exile, they would have been royalty. They would have been together. Hitting himself on the head slightly to clear his mind, Edmund changed out of the previous day's clothing, and into a fresh set. Maybe Arthur would have something for him to do, something to keep him busy, until he found a surefire way to find his siblings. He knew Lucy and Peter were out there -- and he knew Aslan knew exactly where they were. [color=00cc00]"Why won't you let me find them?!"[/color] Edmund shouted, looking up towards the ceiling. He slammed his fist down on his desk, letting out a shuddery breath. Then taking a moment to compose himself, Edmund left the room, ready for the day's work at hand.