Irial sighed. "Firstly-" She raised her hand to the right. Fire immediately traveled up it as the spell recited itself in her mind, the heat causing her hair the drift in the air. It gathered in her palm, twisting into a perfect orb of flames. "[i]Firebolt[/i]." The blazing flames tore from her hand and hit the sands. It wasn't the most intense flame she could produce, but it was indeed a show that she could produce quite hot fires. Too hot and it may have been a bit more dangerous. As it stood, there was a definite scorch mark plastered across the sandy ground. Smoke rose from the small elven girl's palm, and she raised her hand up, cocking her head to one side as she looked up at the human. "Does that answer your question?" Without waiting for a response, she continued, folding her arms. "Secondly, you're an idiot," she began, "I have no idea how to work glass. Do you? Do you honestly think I'd want to start melting something like that all over the place without knowing exactly what I'm doing? You've obviously underestimated my intelligence. Or maybe you're just that stupid?" Irial waved her hand dismissively. "Regardless, unless we have someone who knows how to work glass, I'm not doing it."