Ariin mentally smacked himself for not being more careful of his allies. "Alright re-targeting, but I really don't want to be be here when the Mist goes off." He said locking on to the sniper in D-2 giving the offending party a piece of his mind. "The mount Vesuvius special." He yelled firing at the sniper, he knew his shield was powerful and could take a beating. Yet still he had a bad feeling, they were getting boxed in he smiled a little remembering an old phrase his mother had once taught him. 'The cornered rat bites the cat.' If they were going to be corner, he figured he might as bites down hard draw a little blood before he went. He opened comms to Katya. "You know I can't make it out of here, Paladins to slow to make a run for it. I'll pick off what I can see if I can keep it's attention." He told her knowing how stupid and full of bravado he must have sounded to her. "You were the right pick for leader, y'know figured you should hear that at least I know I thought I was the right choice for awhile. You were the better pick." He smiled at that checking all of Paladins systems as he turned off his transmitter for now he spoke to the machine. "Hey buddy, you know we've done a lot things together, training, simulations runs, I even learned the basics of how to fix parts of you." He ran a hand over the dash keeping an eye on his guns heat waiting for his next chance to fire. "But I do remember promising you we were gonna protect people, so lets make sure we fulfill that if their's gonna be causalities their going to be you and me." The street urchin turned soldier readied himself. "Come on you bastards, if you want to send me to hell I demand some company." He said, looking over targets try to figure out how he could do the most damage.