[@Ace of flames01] and everyone [h3]Loki Cage[/h3] [hr] Loki's attention snapped up when he heard Sophie's code name. He felt his heart rate increase as she went into the range. His thoughts shooting back to his past where flames changed his life and himself. Panic crept onto his features and he seemed frozen...pale and frozen in place. Then the range exploded into flames and he tumbled over the back of his seat, sunglasses falling off and exposing the look of sheer panic on his face. The feline pupils wide as fear etched into his features. He backed away until he hit the corner of the room and stood there. Eventually it was over, but it was too late he was triggered. He heard the professor speaking, but could barely make it out. [i]"no no no...I can...I can't...I can't control it..too scared...fire..."[/i] His throat felt dry and then he couldn't control it. He made a noise of agony as this time the process was slower since he did not want it, but was triggered by fear. Every part of the process was easily in view..his ribs snapped apart and re shaped causing his shirt to rip. His face changed shape and his face contorted as it did so. Each part that reshaped had accompanying snapping sounds and sounds of agony. This wasn't the quick process it was earlier...this was much slower and much more gruesome. Eventually a rather scared looking panther stood there fear still clear on its face. Loki was still backed into the corner and the fear was directed to the range.