[center][h1][color=Lightblue]Charlie Cedar[/color][/h1][/center] [@MissFortune] [color=lightpink] "You and I both know my Budew is better than anything you'd find in there. They probably filled those Pokeball's with Pidgey's and Pidove."[/color] Charlie clenched his fist behind his back, trying to suppress his rage as best as he could. He let her keep droning on, though he was listening intently to find something to fire back with. [color=Lightpink]"If you are going on this 'self righteous' humble journey with the commoners, to each their own; I'm just not trying to get this expensive gown dirty, you go ahead and pick up your Zubat and I'll wait right here, okay?"[/color] Charlie lifted his head from its facing down position, with a clearly expression of anger. [b][color=Lightblue]"Alright Fantasia, I'm gonna cut the sham. Look, you know I'm not about being humble, and with the way you arrived here, in that gown, I know your not about that either, so I'm gonna cut to the chase. I know that you think you're every perfect thing that's right with the world, some daddy's girl who inherited everything and earned nothing. You got a fancy Pokémon bought [i]for you[/i], with yet again your daddy's money, who got his place on the top of the food chain the same way you hope to, by doing nothing. Well I have to tell you the truth, Fantasia. I hate to break it to you but you can't dazzle your way through the world and expect to get something out of it. Sure you think you're perfect, full of pride with all your family's accomplished, but the only thing your actually 'full of' is a bad ego, and selfishness, which leaves one damn hollow trainer to me. So if you'll excuse me I have a Pokémon to catch that ill have an actual bond to share with, not just a receipt."[/color][/b] Alex unclenched his fist and tilted his hat down, walking into the sanctuary doors with 50 minutes still to spare. He had heard of the Sanctuary, but now that he was seeing it with his own eyes, it was... Magnificent. There were rivers and bridges, tall trees in areas that made it look like a forest, rocky cliffs, waterfalls, it was like he had already begun his journey, out in the wild. He saw all kinds of Pokémon nearby. Not only Pidgeys, Pidoves, and Zubats, but Arons, Rufflets, and Dratinis. He already knew Fantasia was wrong, but this just proved his point further. While all of this, all of the Pokémon from over 5 regions, amazed him, he already knew the Pokémon he wanted. He traveled into an opening in one of the cliffs. If the rest of this didn't amaze him, this did. They had actually terraformed cave systems underground. His hot breath could be seen in the chat log cave like smoke from a fire. He traveled so far into the cave he thought he would be lost, but being lost in a place like this wouldn't bother him at all, it would only thrill him. He traveled farther into the system until he came to an opening, and what he saw before him amazed him. It wasn't only the Pokémon he wanted, which was Beldum, but it was... White! He had found a shiny Pokémon. It amazed him how the Beldum stood already looking in his direction, like it sensed him coming. He took a deep breath has he put his arm out in front of himself, slowly inching his hand towards the Beldum. The Beldum got closer as well. Eventually his hand met with the floating Pokémon's head, and Charlie smiled and laughed. [b][color=Lightblue]"W-would you like to accompany me on my journey?"[/color][/b] Alex feared that the Beldum might decline his offer, but instead it nodded, and it's eye lit up in happiness. Alex unclipped his single Pokéball from his belt, enlarged it and held it out to the Shiny Beldum. It clicked the button with its head and the red leggy engulfed it and it was inside the Pokéball. He had done it! He captured a Pokémon! He released Beldum from its Pokéball and walked out of the cave, smiling. There were 'oohs' and 'ahhs' as Charlie walked out of the Sanctuary with his shiny Beldum. When he walked out of the sanctuary he looked at the clock and saw he made it out with 20 minutes to spare. He looked over around to see if Fantasia was still around.