[@Vicier] Sorry for popping up without any warning, but here's my CS! Hope it's okay ;3 [hider=the Conflicted Witch of the East][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjM3YTJiMy5SWFpoYm05eVlRLCwuMA,,/floralcapsnouveau.medium.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LjM3YTJiMy5WMmxqYTJWa0lGZHBkR05vSUc5bUlIUm9aU0JGWVhOMC4w/reminiscent-drive-personal-use.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/a927e39d4ca588af1d31d810218c46f9/tumblr_inline_mfgrkhNEY91rycldw.gif[/img][hr][hr][h3][color=PowderBlue]t h e b a s i c s[/color][/h3][/center] [color=powderblue] [u]Name (Fairy Tale World):[/u] Evanora Congaria [u]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/u] The East Witch, Eris (after the Goddess of chaos), Wicked, Eva, Nora. [u]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/u] Wicked Witch of the East [u]Place Of Origin:[/u] The Emerald City, Oz [u]Age:[/u] 24 years old [s]Affiliation:[/s] Conflicted evil [/color] [hr][hr][center][h3][color=powderblue]o n t h e o u t s i d e[/color][/h3][/center] [color=powderblue][u]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (11 Years Old):[/u][/color] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maig3hJUVb1qdxxyt.gif[/img] [color=powderblue][u]Appearance - Now:[/u][/color] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/515c72ad12f4cdc461570a49d9c38a5d/tumblr_n1vdwseVUu1r2niido1_400.gif[/img] [hider][color=powderblue]A sweet-looking girl with doll-like features. Evanora has large, innocent eyes, framed by dark lashes. They're a dark blue-grey colour, instead of the usual light crystalline blue most people expect. In certain lights they appear brown, green, and even purple depending on what she is wearing. Her rounded, angelic features lead a lot of people into trusting her. She stands on the short side at 5'3, but the towering heels tend to make up for her lack in height. Evanora's figure is slight and willowy, slightly curvaceous around her hips, but lacking any 'assets' that she can flaunt. Her hair is almost always perfect, not a lock out of place; it reaches her shoulders and flicks outward in a prim manner. Her fringe is either reaching her eyes or swept to the side, depending on how she wears it. She rarely relies on cosmetics, so leaves her porcelain skin untouched- also achieving in giving the impression of even more innocence.[/color] [/hider] [color=powderblue][u]Wardrobe Style:[/u] Evanora sticks to wearing dressy garments, usually the same blue as her eyes. Her favourite outfits are, [url=http://cdni.condenast.co.uk/592x888/a_c/bheathcote_gl_10may12_pa_b.jpg]Dress 1[/url], [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7d/d0/f3/7dd0f3944972850118f12de2d60a3982.jpg]Dress 2[/url], [url=http://cliqueimg.com/cache/posts/img/uploads/current/images/0/183/397/main.original.640x0c.jpg]Dress 3[/url]. The only thing she wears that are particularly meaningful and significant are her [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/deer_stop/shoes3.jpg]ruby slippers[/url]. They hold no power, but people still tend to fear them. [/color][hr][hr][center][h3][color=powderblue]f a m i l i a r f a c e s[/color][/h3][/center] [color=powderblue] [u]Relationship Status:[/U] Single [u]Partner:[/u] Currently open [u]Father:[/u] [url=https://aprilcrain.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/screen-shot-2014-06-02-at-9-44-02-am.png]The Late King Stefan of England[/url] (she does not know this) [u]Mother:[/u][url=https://38.media.tumblr.com/aabde6ea22f2ee5a34a92833724adb21/tumblr_nkkfy0jP1b1tvoctwo8_400.gif]Madeleine Congaria[/url] [u]Siblings:[/u] Open [u]Pet/s:[/u] None. [/color] [center][hider=Detailed Relationships] TBD[/hider][hr][hr] [h3][color=powderblue]s e c r e t s u n t o l d[/color][/h3][/center] [color=powderblue] [u]Personality:[/u] Eva has always felt that she was never the favourite, the prettiest, nor the best at anything- and that ultimately moulded her into the kind of witch she is now. Most citizens of Rivendale view her as pure evil and merciless, but not powerful enough to be more than a nuisance. Her biggest weakness is certainly her self-confidence: when she was Evanora the Good, she was never quite good enough, and now that she is the Wicked Witch of the East, she isn't quite powerful enough. In her younger years, before the jealousy and darkness could affect who she was; she was level-headed, intelligent and warm hearted. However, even then Evanora still had the nagging voice telling her that her kindness would never match that of Glinda's, and her intellect would never beat Elphaba's. She has just never quite managed to find her true talent. Yes, her skills in magic are something to be awed, but she is certainly not the most powerful witch in Rivendale. Her sense of lacking does not, however, diminish her righteous traits. Most folk are surprised when they first lay eyes on Evanora to see such a young girl with the title of Witch of the East; which is exactly the case. In reality, she is merely a girl too young to be swept into such conflict. Where people talk of a ruthless tyrant reigning over the East, there is in actuality a young woman making the most of a handful of bad decisions. Her youthful naïveté towards the world allowed the darkness to engulf her, the wrong people to bribe her with promises of power and respect throughout the land. Evanora is really just a kind-hearted girl with magic coursing through her veins. She is found to be humorous, cracking a joke or two usually of the dry category- she smiles a lot, but rarely laughs. She is not to be underestimated, though. Not many know of her true feelings towards being such a dark leader, so she relies a lot on her personal council to advise her and make the hard decisions for her. She will not spare an innocent's life, or show mercy towards rebels; her evil reputation is something that keeps her safe and allows her to stay in power. Although her magic is a force to be reckoned with, her strongest asset is fear. [u]Strengths:[/u] Evanora's powers are very strong, and she has mastered a way of using them so that they are practically limitless for a short period of time. She also has a great influence over a lot of Rivendale, as they all either fear her or believe that she is the strongest witch of Oz. [u]Weaknesses:[/u] Being the youngest witch of Oz, she is probably the most naive and easily manipulated- much of her influence over Rivendale is reliant on her image, so if people see her as the young girl that she is- she may pay a difficult price for it. Because of the years she spent with the other witches, she will views them as being her sisters and, no matter the price, would never directly hurt them. [u]Magic Capabilities:[/u] * Electrokinesis: The power to create and project electricity and lightning. Evanora is able to generate blue lightning bolts through this power, which serves as her signature attack. * Flight: The power to defy gravity and propel oneself through the air * Conjuration: The power to materialize imaginary objects at will. She must use a specific dust-like substance to summon these objects. * Illusion Casting: The power to cast illusions. Evanora uses a glamor-like illusion that alters people's image of her. From at least a few feet away, they see a older witch dripping with power, so only people literally close to her can see her true self. * Crystal Gazing: Evanora can spy on whoever she wished by means of a crystal ball, regardless of their location or distance. However, the crystal ball's reaching point is restricted to only her own realm- and depends on whether she has been to its showing location or not. If she has never laid eyes on the area before, the image will be weaker and more difficult to make sense of. [u]Weapons:[/u] Evanora's power source are her hands, so therefore are her strongest weapons. If her hands at bound, then she cannot perform magic. She does not use any other weapon apart from witchcraft.[/color] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=powderblue]t h e p a s t[/color][/h3][/center][color=powderblue][u]Brief Biography (Life In Fairy Tale World:[/u] Evanora had a happy childhood growing up in Oz. Her mother brought her up without any help and, although she was known as a witch of darkness, she would treat Evanora with a kindness or two every so often. Once her powers began to bloom, she was sent away to the Emerald City under the strict instructions to become as powerful as she could be. The highlight of the Witch of the East's youth was her friendship with the other witches of Oz. She was the baby of the group, the naive one that followed the already-famous Glinda and Elphaba around everywhere. Although they treated her well enough, and she partook in many adventures with them, she was never quite as close to them as they were to each other. As they matured, growing in popularity and beauty, Evanora was soon forgotten. She sat on the sidelines and watched as the pair whispered secrets to each other and giggles at a joke she would never hear. Eva told herself time and time again that it was nothing to fret about and they meant well, but jealousy began to poison her thoughts and feelings. It was almost a relief at the time when Maleficent attacked, and she felt almost triumphant when Elphaba fled and Glinda stayed. Nora's mother had long since secured the Witch of the East's title for her, so she stood alongside Glinda in leadership of a world of darkness. [u]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/u] Evanora has never seen earth, although secretly dreams to go. However, she knows she has duties to fulfill in Rivenspire. [/color][hr][hr][center][h3][color=powderblue]l a s t p i e c e s o f t h e p u z z l e[/color][/h3][/center] [color=powderblue][u]Other:[/u] N/A [u]Theme Song:[/u] [url=https://youtu.be/wt5huPR6FsQ]ihonestlyhadnoideasoijustwentforthisone[/url] [/color][hr][hr][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/dd3971644a8f56514f5f9810196f3a68/tumblr_n5bx5go6T41rrk9yqo2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/60eb781ca34a720c7c9424ffbff36214/tumblr_n5bx5go6T41rrk9yqo1_250.gif[/img][/center][/hider]