(Apologies for the short reply this time, I'm on a 13 hour shift). Neither Nyra nor Tarn had any questions for the hologram. Truth be told, Nyra was too busy being angry to care, and Tarn was busy watching the reactions of the others in the room, trying to gauge their intentions. He was rather wary of the Axis agents - for the usual reasons - and both Blake and Nyra, as judging by their files, they appeared to be prone to letting their temper get a hold of them, and he didn't want to be in the way when that happened. Annoyingly enough, the files on the Axis agents were lacking in information. "Probably on purpose," Tarn muttered under his breath, pushing the finished documents to one side. That was when the bigger half-demon spoke up. "What if we find nothing?" "You come back here and will be given further instructions." Nyra groaned at this. [i]Great. Not a one-trip thing then, guess I'd better make some excuse up as to why I'm missing all those shows.[/i] The idea of danger didn't bother her, more the effect it would have on her show popularity and ticket sales. "In the case that we do meet this threat, should we capture or kill?" Nyra's eyes flashed white. "Of course you'd ask that, you trigger happy monkey," she hissed under her breath, fingers curling into her palms as she fought the urge to leap across the table. There was a sudden hand on her shoulder. "Please don't give them a reason to shoot you," Tarn muttered, voice low so as not to be heard. It felt...wrong, touching someone so different, almost like the half-angel's skin burned his flesh. "At least not until you have a reason to shoot them, anyway." Sinking back into his seat, Tarn sighed, waiting for the hologram's answer to Vincent's question. They might be of the opposite ends of the half-breed spectrum, but he trusted the angels more than those humans.