[@Caits][@hatakekuro][@Lugubrious] [h2][color=1a7b30]Ike Riven[/color][/h2] Sighing as he rubbed his forehead at what he was sure was an excuse. He just waved it off before looking around the area for a fat woman. She opened this hole? Was it with pure power or did she know magic as well? It pointed to pure power, maybe even a trap laid out for them, since magic didn't seem common at all. After all Sanders told them to keep it under wraps, yet with them hurrying him to send the rope down he frowned a bit. [color=1a7b30]"Oh thank you Ike for coming to help us, not like you could just leave us in here for not knowing how to say fucking please!"[/color] Ike mocked a bit groaning as he held his hand above the hole and would shoot out a rope, with one end attached to him and the other dangling before them. [color=1a7b30]"Well hurry up assholes, don't have all day for you to figure out how to grab a rope and climb it."[/color] Ike said a bit irritated now, and wanting to get to the chapel before everything went to shit. He braced himself to help pull, mostly when Enma started to climb.