For whatever reason, it seems Jim, Rick and Mohammed have chosen to take their breaks just inside the entrance of the Kaiser warehouse. The sudden appearance, then, of some guy in a bunch of clothing is somewhat of a shock to them; however, they are not particularly concerned about his manner as he enters into the room, removes his gloves and his outer coat, and asks where he might find their leader. 'What, are you here to discuss umbrella patterns with him?' Jim asks, somewhat mockingly. He's promptly slapped upside the head by both of his companions, one of whom berates him for still not learning his lesson and also it's a parasol, the other turning to Milo and saying 'He's just inside. You caught us at a good time, we just got back from some philanthropy.' Putting an arm round the teen's back and pushing him in toward the warehouse, he calls out to Nick: 'Hey, Chief! We've got someone here who wants to talk to you!' Nearing the end of his ability to continue inhaling, Nick finally allows himself to exhale the air he's taken in, then nods to himself, stands, and strolls to the edge of the floor he's on, swinging himself round and over the fence, dropping a little way to grab the edge of the floor, then allowing himself to drop the remaining distance to ground level, landing in a catlike crouch belying his extremely large physique. 'Right, who needs my assistance, then?' he asks jovially, turning to face the newcomer- And he is struck with a bad feeling about Milo almost the moment he lays eyes on the teen. It's not often he has this feeling, but it almost always suggests trouble - a very few bullies he fought in school produced it, Simon Baines produced it particularly strongly, twofold when he came back as a member of the undead, and now this kid. [i]So what could be drawing it out now,[/i] Nick wonders as he approaches... and an impossible thought occurs to him as he realises just how still this person is. Not for lack of larger movement, but... little things, tiny shifts that are usually filtered out by the human mind. His chest seems not to move under the layers of clothing, his limbs seem not to twitch slightly as blood pulses through them... and he is, after all, quite pale even in the half-light of the warehouse. 'So... how about you three head out now, then? You have a job to do, don't you?' Nick points out as he cautiously draws closer, to which his three earlier companions mutter in agreement, leaving the warehouse and closing the doorway behind them. Alone with Milo now, Nick realises two things: it's just a little bit colder in the warehouse now than it was a minute ago, becoming slightly moreso as he moves closer to the person before him... and leather has never been particularly good at letting sunlight through. 'That's a lot of layers for a kid like you to be wearing, isn't it?' Nick asks, not quite willing to accept what he's sure is true by now. 'I mean, that much heat, trapped under so much leather, must be like a furnace... you'll have a stroke, catch your death...' he draws nearer still, now crouching to see under the oversized hat. 'You know, if you haven't caught it already...' Blood red eyes. And even if the white hair and lack of pigmentation indicates that he is an albino, the sensation in Nick's gut is now impossibly strong, urging him to get away from this [i]thing[/i] in human form as fast as possible, or else beat it to paste before it can hurt anyone else. '[i]Vampire,[/i]' Nick finishes, an angry snarl growing on his face as he draws up to his full height, fists balling as he glares toward the creature before him. 'You've come up with an ingenious method of getting around during the day, I'll admit, but the last vampire who tried to attack me and my group died in seconds, and unlike him, you don't have any zombies to help you. You'd better have a [i]damn[/i] good reason for being here, or you'll be joining Baines in Hell before you can say "I'm an immortal superhuman, stupid"!' [hider=OOC Footer] Okay, I lied. Soon is, like, two or three days for me, apparently. [@Kafka Komedy], you're up. [/hider]