Players will be limited to one character at first. Depending on in-game events, this limit may be increased. [hider=Prince Thunder][color=0072bc]Birth Name:[/color] Omari Kingston. [color=0072bc]Alter Ego:[/color] Prince Thunder, Changó. [color=0072bc]Gender:[/color] Male [color=0072bc]Age:[/color] 19 [color=0072bc]Country of Origin:[/color] Nairobi, Kenya. [color=0072bc]Archetype:[/color] Supernatural, [url=]Avatar[/url], Demi-god hero. [color=0072bc]Allegiance:[/color] Free Agent [color=0072bc]Appearance[/color]: [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=0072bc]Powers/Skills:[/color] As an [url=]Avatar[/url] or reincarnated divine being inhabiting an earthly body. Omari possesses an ascended physiology(superhuman strength, regeneration, speed and durability) though less pronounced than say Superman or Thor. [color=0072bc] Primary:[/color] Atmokinesis(weather control), [color=0072bc]Secondary:[/color] Flight, Superspeed. [color=0072bc]Equipment/Resources:[/color] [url=]God Hilt Crossguard [/url]- A type of weapon that only Chango, the African god of Storms is known to use, it's believed that the hilt acts as a stabilizing conduit for the thunder god's lightning force bolts, forming a blade of extraordinary sharpness. Resembling a lightsaber. [color=0072bc]Biography: [/color] Omari is a being originally from a planet far away that was destroyed by a great evil, as one of the weaker newborns of his people, he was sent to Earth as an infant with the mission to conquer it. However, an accident alters his memory, causing him to grow up pure-hearted and later become Earth's greatest defender, as well as the informal leader of a band of martial artists. Oh wait, that's not his origin at all. The real Omari was born in a hospital in Nairobi to a loving couple of Kenyan engineers. As you can see, he was born with freaky white hair(odd huh?). His mother says that a god-like being came to her in a dream exactly nine months before she'd given birth to him. The likely story is that he acquired his quirks from a supernatural benefactor, as neither of his parents exhibited unusual genes prior, there is no scientific explanation for his condition. Even more freaky, he had this knack for predicting storms, days and sometimes weeks in advance. Unfortunately, he wasn't blessed with his folks good sense or ingenuity. He was the odd duck in his family for much of his early life. Preferring mind numbing entertainment and punching stuff to books and art. Although he wasn't the most academically inclined sort of guy, athletically he was the second coming of Pelé. Soccer was his thing until he found out about basketball, then he became quite good at that. Good enough to play abroad on full-scholarship collegiately. Now he's in Japan going to school as the residential big man on campus. [color=0072bc]Special Notes:[/color] Anything else we need to know. [/hider] Unfinished.