[center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Taylor%20Jason%20Garrick&name=Overdrive_Sunset.ttf&size=100&style_color=496385[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/3435244586de60a55482f5f54911c67f/tumblr_inline_nlmbn2a1cu1rt3bmb.gif[/img] [b]Interaction:[/b] Katherine Winchester [@Wicked Sweet] and Loki Cage [@BlackPanther] [b]Location[/b]: Meeting Room, X-Mansion basement. [/center] [hr][hr] Taylor watched as the others had demonstrated their powers. And it was actually very cool to watch other mutants. Taylor did not know how to feel about someone being able to read his mind. It was well, a private place for anyone to think, not for someone to barge into and listen in on. There was one girl he had saw, her name was Katherine Winchester, he'd seen her the first day he was on campus. Taylor thought she was, well stunning. Not to mention, she did seem to be a nice person. When she got up to tell everyone her name, Taylor could've sworn he saw her stare at him for a second. Taylor gave her a smile, before she turned her attention away from him. Basically the half animal, half man hid in the corner, staying as far away as he could from the range. He only started to notice Loki's fear after the Professor stopped talking about which teams everyone was on. [color=8793ca]"Huh.."[/color] He told himsel,f if Bao Lu was the team leader, Taylor figured this was gonna be interesting. He had then turned to see Loki in the corner. Taylor was about to ask Loki if he was okay, but he seemed that was a bad idea. [color=8793ca]"Are... Are you okay? The fire's not going to hurt you, it's uhm... not close enough to hurt you. So, calm down. Okay?"[/color] He asked Loki, with a look of worry on his face. The guy seemed so terribly afraid, and Taylor didn't know exactly what to do. What Taylor did was probably stupid, but he stepped closer to Loki. [color=8793ca]"Don't bite me."[/color] He said, getting closer. Taylor wasn't sure if trying to calm down a panther was a good idea, but he had tried it anyways.