[center][h2]Mako Kurohiko, Exiled Warrior|Crocus City Park[/h2][/center] [center][@Caits][@GamerXZ][@Leslie Hall][/center] Mako quickly bows again in thanks. [color=DarkOrange]"I thank you for your time, Jamie. May you find peace on your path."[/color] He then turns to Alan and Aura and bows again. [color=DarkOrange]"I'm afraid this is where we part ways. I get the sense that this will not end as peacefully as speaking with Jamie did. Be well and may you find peace on your path."[/color] And then he was gone, back into the crowd. It wasn't hard to find someone who had seen the apparently new Magic Council member and they directed him in the right direction. As he walked, he could feel himself become more excited with each step. Finding this bandit leader meant he was finally able to see his chance to return home and he could feel his body tense up in anticipation of the trip. But he also knew that Fiore and Isvan were two very different countries and that certain cultural aspects did not cross well. He only hoped that this Rosalina Idwal was understanding. And besides, it wasn't like he was going to force the man to his knees and slit his throat. It would be a traditional Death Duel, where both men's honor was on the line, and only one lived to reclaim their's. After several minutes of walking and two double checks with other passerbys, he found the Captain of the Rune Knights and Grand Magic Council member Rosalina Idwal. She was dressed interestingly for a woman, but then he never claimed to understand how Fiore worked. Approaching the Council member, he bowed as he addressed her. [color=DarkOrange]"Rosalina Idwal? I require a moment of your time."[/color]