[@Caits] Shane turned his head to the woman's voice and listened to them closely before noticing that he was surrounded by a cage of some sort. Strange how this cage appeared as the last thing he saw were butterflies around him and now he was in a cage of some sort. He doubted it would be hard to break out of but he would let the woman have her fun for now. He looked around him and noticed the people were still scattered on the floor, None of them appeared dead although most of them were bleeding still nothing could be traced back to him besides word of mouth. He would have to deal with that later now he needed to figure out what this woman wanted and how she even entered the building as he thought the doors were locked. [color=00a651][b]“ I do not know what happened here Miss. I just came down after staying the night with a fine woman and I come down here and see all of these people lying on the ground some of them bleeding from wounds from what i could tell. I do not know who would do such a thing to innocent people. After all none of these people did anything bad..Well besides being at a inn because that is never a good sign. But regardless whoever done this must have a twisted mind to attack innocents “ [/b][/color]He said in a calm voice as he did not want to give away that it was he that had done this to these people. That it was because of a voice in his head that told him he must do it and that he was trapped and had no choice. No he would not mention that to the woman because it would not look good at all. [color=00a651][b]“ I do not suppose you are willing to say your name Miss.. After all it is rude of you to lock me in a cage without a proper name for which i should call you by and also it is rude to lock me in a cage in general because after all I am innocent! Anyway My Name is.. Well I do not know my name currently.. It must be all the drinks I had the other night.. The fine lady was a party girl and she insisted that i drink all night. It will come to me I assure you ! “ [/b][/color]He said with a laugh as he looked at the woman and waited for her response. Oh how good it was to play games with people..What good fun indeed.