[@Arthanus] I just cleared up the image issue, but as for your questions: 1) Nox's father was a nobody, he gave up his daughter for the sole purpose of gaining wealth. 2) "Late at night, Nox was often found within the study, analyzing powerful grimoires in hopes that one day, she'd be able to defend the woman who gave her an identity." as referenced by this quote, magic is a self taught skill that she learned in her free time with the intention of protecting her master, though it was more of a hobby than anything else. Once she acquired freedom, her magical aptitude increased as she fought the various creatures of Alestoth. 3) Nox was conflicted about leaving, but her master, being the generous soul she is, decided it was best to let her explore the world for herself, as she believed Nox had a higher calling then cleaning. I apologize for the lack of clarity in my writing, I must have gotten over-excited. In the future I'll try my best to avoid discrepancies and deliver concise narratives.